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General Business 360 Research Guide

Entrepreneurship & Information Literacy

Although there are some general sources within entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs need to maintain high information literacy in the specific fields in which they work. For example, employees at a startup building a new biomedical device would need to use sources from the field of biomedical engineering.

Hyperlink Information

Hyperlinks lead either to the library database where you'll find the source or to the source's homepage on the internet, if it is an open access source, which means it’s not behind a paywall.

If any links are broken, let us know. However, remember that you can always perform a journal search on the library's home page to find specific publications.

Popular Publications - Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship involves an infinite number of industries and trades, which makes broadly focused popular business magazines relevant.

Content Credit WSB Business Library & the Business Communication Team

The content on this page was a collaborative effort between the WSB Business Library staff and the Business Communication team.