Includes Glassdoor, Yelp, TripAdvisor, etc.
General Rules: Citing Review Sites
In-text Citation: Information to Include
In-text citations and signal phrases can be woven into sentences and paragraphs in multiple ways, and what you emphasize depends on what information will be most relevant and/or persuasive to your reader. However, the following information should always be included:
Reference Citation: Information to Include
Individual Username. (Year, Month Day). Title of Review Page in Italics. URL_but_not_active_hyperlink
Specific Example: Review Posted by an Individual
In-text Citation
On, one current employee, a language strategist, praised Procter & Gamble’s protocols and management (Anonymous Employee, 2018).
References Page Entry
Anonymous Employee. (2018, August 3). Proctor & Gamble Reviews.
Specific Example: Review Posted by the Review Site (often as rankings or reports)
In-text Citation Options
According to a recent Vault (2019) ranking of consulting firms, Oliver Wyman ranks fifth and is notable for helping employees achieve a comfortable work/life balance.
Oliver Wyman, a highly rated consulting firm, is committed to working with nonprofits, providing pro-bono services to organizations such as Women's World Banking, Trees for Cities, and Guiding Eyes for the Blind (Vault, 2019).
References Page Entry
Vault. (2019). Vault 2020 Consulting 50.