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General Business 360 Research Guide

Trade Journal (Magazine)

General Rules: Citing Trade Articles

In-text Citation: Information to Include

In-text citations and signal phrases can be woven into sentences and paragraphs in multiple ways, and what you emphasize depends on what information will be most relevant and/or persuasive to your reader. However, the following information should always be included:

  • Attributive tag or signal phrase that introduces your source
  • Author(s)
  • Date
  • Page number(s), if available


Reference Citation: Information to Include

Authorlastname, Authorfirstinitial. (Year, Month Day). Article title in sentence case. Title of Trade Journal in Italics. URL_but_not_active_hyperlink



Authorlastname, Authorfirstinitial. (Year, Month Day). Article title in sentence case. Title of Trade Journal in Italics, volume number in italics(issue), page numbers.


or (if no author)

Article title in sentence case. (Year, Month Day). Title of Trade Journal in Italics. URL_but_not_active_hyperlink


Specific Example: Trade Journal Article from a Print copy or PDF, with an Author and Page Numbers

In-text Citation Options

McQuilkin (2016) recommended considering a variety of design ideas for safety; he suggested customers will feel safer in stores where they can clearly see their surroundings (p. 37).


Customers want to feel safe, and designing the store so they can clearly see their surroundings encourages that feeling (McQuilkin, 2016, p. 37).


References Page Entry

McQuilkin, A. (2016). Five design ideas for safety. Chain Store Age, 92(7), 37-38.


Specific Example: Trade Journal Article from a Print or PDF, without an Author but with Page Numbers

In-text Citation Options

In “Balancing Soft Skills with Technical Abilities” (2016), the Journal of Accountancy reported that soft skills are becoming the difference between promotion and remaining staff-level, as many managerial roles depend more on leadership than technical skills (p. 20).


Soft skills are becoming the difference between promotion and remaining staff-level, as many managerial roles depend more on leadership than technical skills (“Balancing Soft Skills,” 2016, p. 20).


References Page Entry

Balancing soft skills with technical abilities. (2016, December). Journal of Accountancy, 222(6), 20-21.



Specific Example: Trade Journal Article from a Website, with an Author

In-text Citation Options

The Journal of Accountancy recently suggested one area that requires Polaris Finance Associates to collaborate is the redesigned FASB standard to simplify income tax consequences for intra-entity transfers other than inventory (Tysiac, 2016).


Tysiac (2016) suggested one area that requires Polaris Finance Associates to collaborate is the redesigned FASB standard to simplify income tax consequences for intra-entity transfers other than inventory.


Today, one area that requires Polaris Finance Associates to collaborate is the redesigned FASB standard to simplify income tax consequences for intra-entity transfers other than inventory (Tysiac, 2016).


References Page Entry

Tysiac, K. (2016, October 24). FASB simplifies financial reporting for income taxes. Journal of Accountancy.


Specific Example: Trade Journal Article from a Website, without an Author

The article “Supply Chain News” (2016) recently reported that many companies, such as Walmart, Home Depot, and Target, are storing less inventory as they try to balance online orders with sales in retail locations.


A recent development has been how many companies, such as Walmart, Home Depot, and Target, are storing less inventory as they try to balance online orders with sales in retail locations (“Supply Chain News,” 2016).


References Page Entry

Supply chain news: Retailers rethinking inventory strategies. (2016, July 26). Supply Chain Digest.