General Rules: Citing Blog Posts
In-text Citation: Information to Include
In-text citations and signal phrases can be woven into sentences and paragraphs in multiple ways, and what you emphasize depends on what information will be most relevant and/or persuasive to your reader. However, the following information should always be included:
Reference Citation: Information to Include
Authorlastname, Authorfirstinitial. (Year, Month Day). Blog post title in sentence case. Blog Title in Italics. URL_but_not_active_hyperlink
Specific Example: Blog Post with a Single Author
In-text Citation Options
Financial advisor and blogger Joshua Brown (2018) addressed the widening wealth gap in the US and examined how gains for capital markets have made an uneven “two-track system.”
One post from The Reformed Broker addressed the widening wealth gap in the US and examined how gains for capital markets have made an uneven “two-track system” (Brown, 2018).
Note: Blog titles are italicized in the body of a document.
References Page Entry
Brown, J. M. (2018, March 1). Something to live for. The Reformed Broker.