Korean Studies : News
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조선일보 (朝鮮日報 Choson Ilbo) - Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
The Choson IIbo is the primary and the oldest daily newspaper in South Korea. The daily circulation is more than 1,800,000. The Chosun Ilbo Establishment Union was created in 1919 while the Chosun Ilbo company was founded in 1920. -
중앙일보 (中央日報 Chungang Ilbo) - Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
The newspaper is published in Seoul, South Korea. It is one of the three biggest newspapers in South Korea. The Chungang IIbo was first published in 1965 by the Samsung Group. -
한국일보 (韓國日報 Hanguk IIbo) - Korean
The newspaper is a sister paper of the Korean Times. As of 2017, it had a daily circulation of about 213,200. -
경향신문 (京鄕新聞 Kyunghyang Shinmun) - Korean, English
The newspaper is a major daily newspaper published in South Korea. It was founded in 1946. This paper is currently regarded as one of the representative media with the highest reading rate among the media. -
매일경제 (每日經濟新聞 Maeil Kyongje) - Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
The newspaper (also named Maeil Business Newspaper) is the leading daily business newspaper in South Korea. It had a circulation of roughly 900,000. -
네이버 (Navar News) – Korean
Navar is a South Korean online platform with a search feature. Naver is also frequently referred to as 'the Google of South Korea. -
서울신문 (서울新聞 Seoul Sinmun) - Korean
The newspaper is the oldest daily newspaper in South Korea. The circulation is an estimated 780,000 issues a day. It was started in 1904. -
The Korea Herald - English
The Korea Herald is the nation’s largest English-language daily with a market share of more than 50 percent. It founded in 1953 and published in Seoul, South Korea. -
The Korean Times - English
The Korea Times is the oldest of three English-language newspapers published daily in South Korea. It is a sister paper of the 한국일보 (韓國日報). The first issue published in 1950. Our library collects the historical newspaper of The Korean Times here. -
동아일보 (東亞日報 Tonga Ilbo) - Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
Tonga IIbo is a newspaper established in Korea, 1920. Its daily circulation of more than 1.2 million. It covers a variety of areas including news, drama, entertainment, sports, education, and movies. -
연합뉴스 (Yonhap News) - Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
It is a South Korean key news agency. The Yonhap provides news articles, pictures, and other information to newspapers, TV networks, and other media in South Korea.
조선신보 (朝鮮新報 Choson Sinbo) – Korean
The Choson Sinbo is a newspaper based in Japan. When reporting from North Korea, Choson Sinbo journalists managed to publish exclusive stories. -
데일리 NK (Daily NK) – Korean, Chinese, English
Daily NK is an online newspaper focusing on issues relating to North Korea. The site is based in South Korea to report stories from inside North Korea via a network of informants. -
KPM (조선언론정보기지 North Korea's Newspapers and Journals Database) - Korean
It provides various full-text journals and newspapers in North Korea. The database also consists of the Pyongyang Times in English. -
North Korean Economy Watch – English
It provides news and analysis of the North Korean economy. The North Korean Economy Watch is an affiliate of 38 North, which is a project of the Stimson Center. -
new NK Pro - English (NetID required)
Information service on North Korea presents current news, opinion, analysis, research tools, and data in English, for research and business. -
new Korea Pro - English (NetID required)
Current news and analysis provides comprehensive and timely insights into South Korea's socio-economic landscape, political dynamics, and international relations.