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Archival Materials
- new Adam Matthew (AM) Primary Sources - English (NetID required)
The UW-Madison Libraries provide all primary source materials for social sciences and humanities collections from Adam Matthew Digital. The link provided directs you to their primary source hub.
- American Proxy Wars: Korea and Vietnam: Global Perspectives 1946-1975 - English (NetID required)
The digital resource covers translated and English-language radio and television broadcasts, newspapers, periodicals, government documents, and books covering the Korean and Vietnamese conflicts.
- new Bibliography of East Asian Periodicals (Colonial Korea 1900-1945) - English
This comprehensive bibliography from the U of Chicago contains 913 periodicals from the colonial period (1910-1945), pre-colonial period (1896-1910), and post-colonial period from liberation in 1945 to the establishment of the Republic of Korea (ROK) and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) in 1948, covering subjects in every field–politics, economy, industry, society, literature, education, religion, women, children, medicine, science, friendship societies, etc. Through data compilation, organization, and research, the bibliography outlines each journal’s identifying information, including region of origins, bibliographic details of publication, regions of distribution and current accessibility status. Additionally the bibliography provides a brief description for each publication.
- 승정원일기 (承政院日记 The Daily Records of Royal Secretariat of Chosun Dynasty) – Korean
The Diaries of Royal Secretariat of the Joeson Dynasty recorded for the 271 years of the dynasty from March 1623 to June 1894. It includes daily royal accounts, administrative affairs, and court ceremonies.
- new Country Intelligence Reports/State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports: Korea (1941-1961) - English (NetID required)
Collection of government intelligence research and reports prepared between 1941 and 1961 on various topics related to Korea by the U.S. Department of State.
- Evangelism in Korea: Correspondence of the Board of Foreign Missions, 1884-1911 – English (NetID required)
The records offered here provide invaluable information on social conditions in Korea and on efforts to spread the gospel during the nineteenth century. Documenting the church’s educational, evangelical, and medical work, these are records mainly of incoming correspondence from the mission field and outgoing correspondence from the Board headquarters. It covers 24,179 historical images.
- 한국고전 종합 Database (Korean Classics Database) – Korean
Database of Korean Classics. Sources translated into Korean from Hanmun (Chinese) such as 국역조선왕조실록, 국역승정원일기, 국역일성록 and many more 한국문집총간, etc.
- 일제하 전시 체제기정책사료 총서 (日帝下戰時體制期政策史料叢書 Ilcheha Chonsi Ch'ejegi Chongch'aek Saryo Ch'ongso) – Korean
An online version of the reprinted book, "Ilcheha chonsi ch'ejegi chongch'aek saryo ch'ongso", compiled by Minjok Munje Yon'guso. This is a collection of reports on Japanese colonial rules and policies in Korea during the Japanese occupation period. All the texts are provided in PDF format and are not searchable.
- 조선왕조실록 (朝鮮王朝實錄 Veritable Records of the Joseon Dynasty) – Korean
The annual records of the Joseon Dynasty of Korea (from 1413 to 1865). The records comprise 1,893 volumes. It regards as covering the longest continual period of a single dynasty globally.
- new Korea: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1963 - English (NetID required)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Korea, from 1930 to 1963.
- Korean War, 1950-1953 (Wilson Center Digital Archive) – English
A collection of primary source documents related to the Korean War. Obtained largely from Russian archives, the documents include reports on Chinese and Soviet aid to North Korea, allegations that America used biological weapons, and the armistice.
- 서울대규장각 원문자료 (Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies) – Korean, Chinese, Japanese, English
The collection at Seoul National University Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies includes seven different types of texts, numbering 7,125 documents in total. It includes many historical archives, such as 조선왕조실록, 일성록, 승정원일기, 내각일력, 비변사등록, etc.
- Military Resources: Korean War (U.S. National Archives) – English
A series archival of resources related to the Korean War. It compiled by the U.S. National Archives.
- new U.S. Army Center of Military History Historical Manuscripts Collection: The Korean War - English (NetID required)
U.S. military documents from the Korean War era include after-action interviews and reports, orders, narratives, analyses, charts, maps, and photographs.
- new Yeonhaengrok (燕行錄) – Korean (NetID required)
It is a full-text database of Yeonhaengrok. It is a travelogue of Korean envoys recorded while traveling to and from Yeongyeong (Beijing, China) during the Joseon Dynasty (13th to 19th century).