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German Language Humanities : Film -- Web Resources
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Websites about German Film
Max and Emil Skladanowsky invented the Bioscop, an early movie projector, in 1895. |
- BerlinaleOfficial site of the Berlin International Film Festival, held annually. (Available in both German and English)
- cineGraphFacts and background information on German-language films
- The DEFA Film LibraryThe DEFA Film Library at the University of Massachusetts Amherst is the only archive and research center outside of Germany devoted to a broad spectrum of filmmaking from and related to the former GDR
- Deutsche Digitale BibliothekSeeks to provide unrestricted access to Germany’s cultural and scientific heritage, including millions of books, archived items, images, sculptures, pieces of music, and other sound documents, as well as films and scores, from all over Germany
- Deutscher FilmpreisGerman Film Academy
- Einhundert Jahre Kino (Filmgeschichte)Using a selection of 300 films, provides an outline of the origin and history of cinema, with information on significant directors, actors, and technical developments
- Ephemeral Films Project: National Socialism in AustriaFifty ephemeral films from the Nazi occupation of Austria have been digitized and annotated for this project, including "amateur, institutional, industrial, and educational" snippets. Films are annotated scene by scene, with maps and current photographic overlay
- Fachbibliographien und Online-Datenbanken (FabiO)Links for resources on film and theater provided by the Bibliotheksservice Zentrum, Baden-Würtemberg
- The FIAF (International Federation of Film Archives) PlusIncludes complete data from all volumes (1972 to the present) of the International Index to Film Periodicals, plus records from its TV-related companion (1979 to the present). The database also offers full text access to more than 50 film-related journals and five reference sources
- Film & Television Literature Index (FTLI)FTLI indexes 380 film and television periodicals from 30 countries cover-to-cover and another 300 periodicals selectively. Abstracts are included since 2004, and more will be added in the future. Articles, film reviews, and book reviews from are included from both scholarly and popular film and TV sources
- Filmarchiv AustriaCovers the history of Austrian filmaking from the 19th century to the present. with collections of film programs, posters, films, photos and film stills, as well as books, an equipment and other objects
- Film Index InternationalIn-depth indexing of over 115,000 films, from the first silent movies to the latest blockbusters, and biographical information for almost 57,000 personalities. Includes coverage of international film awards and prizes as well as searchable plot summaries and full cast and crew lists
- Filmportal.deCast and production information, brief evaluations and summaries, stills and some trailers of German films plus biographical information. Also inlcudes articles on German film history
- The German-Hollywood ConnectionContains essays on German films, filmmakers and stars, as well as essays exploring the influence of German film on Hollywood. Includes a list of links to other sites about German cinema
- German/Austrian Cinema: A Selected Bibliography of Materials in the UC Berkeley LibraryBrowse several specialized bibliographies; if you find a book of interest, check UW-Madison's Library Catalog for local holdings
- German Film Links @ ACRL's ESS SiteCollection of resources for German Film Studies from the European Studies Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries
- German Theater & Performance Research (GTPR)Offers scholars and teachers working in the fields of German theater and performance a platform to share ideas and to establish networks for collaboration. Registration required to join and gain access to the GTPR directory
- GlossenOnline peer-reviewed scholarly journal on literature, film, and art in German-speaking countries after 1945. Articles, poetry, and prose, written in either German or English
- IMDb - International Movie DatabaseInformation (dates, cast lists, etc.) about films. You can limit searches to films from Germany, Austria, or Switzerland.
- Innsbrucker Zeitungsarchiv (IZA)Searchable, full-text German-language archive of more than 800,000 newspaper and journal articles bearing on German literature (including film and theater) or on the German language. Iincludes reviews, interviews, reports on congress activities, and other information sources frequently not covered by broader journal and newspaper indexes. Be sure to try the Schlagwortliste
- International Index to the Performing ArtsCovers a broad spectrum of the arts and entertainment industry, including dance, film, television, drama, theater, stagecraft, musical theater, broadcast arts, circus performance, comedy, storytelling, opera, pantomime, puppetry, magic, and more. Draws current content from more than 200 scholarly and popular performing arts periodicals, and indexes a variety of documents such as biographical profiles, conference papers, obituaries, interviews, discographies, reviews, and events. Currently 25 of the 200 periodicals contain full-text articles. Although the majority of titles begin in 1998, 46 important journals have been added retrospectively, some back to 1864
- Kinofenster.deIncludes an online magainze, links to instructional materials, and a database of themes
- media / rep /Open access repository for media studies provices access to more than 2,500 texts, including the complete holdings of periodicals such as AugenBlick, Navigationen or Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, on series such as Zürcher Filmstudien or Medien'Welten, and to the Open Access stocks of publishers such as transcript and meson press. All texts on media / rep / are searchable in full text, and are available for download. The stock of texts is constantly being expanded
- Moving Image ArchiveInternet Archive's library of free movies, films, and videos, ranging from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts, with ongoing updates
- Österreichisches Filmmuseum (OeFM)The Austrian Film Museum documents the history of Austrian and European cinema, holding selected works from all genres and periods, but with five areas of special collection: 1. the international heritage of independent, avant-garde, non-industrial film; 2. avant-garde and independent film in Austria since 1950; 3. the transnational film oeuvre of émigrés from Central and Eastern Europe; 4. films from Soviet Russia made between 1918 to 1945; and 5. amateur and home movies
- Online-Informationsressourcen der Film- und FernsehwissenschaftLinks to databases, catalogs, reference sites and all other kinds of information for the study of German film and televison
- Promise of CinemaBuilding on the Promise of Cinema sourcebook, this site offers an archive of digitized film-theoretical books and film journals before 1933, links to films from the period, new translations of documents, as well as suggestions for teaching Weimar cinema through the lens of theory
- Swiss FilmsPromotion agency for Swiss filmmaking
- Theater-Paradies DeutschlandWeb portal provides links to film sites such as film databases, book series, publishing houses, magazines, institutions, film schools, and film festivals
100 Most Significant German Films
Research Institutes
Browse the sites below for links to film prizes, biographies, trailers, reviews and more:
Deutsches Filmmuseum Frankfurt
Hochschule für Film und Fernsehen (Potsdam)
Includes database of links for Film, Television, and Media