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German Language Humanities : Print and E-Journals
A guide to research materials in the areas of Germanic languages and literature
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- Widerstand im Dritten Reich
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Graduate Student Journals in German Studies
- EdgeUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
- Focus on German StudiesUniversity of Cincinnati
Journals and Newspapers
- ANNO: Austrian Newspapers OnlineA digitization initiative of the Austrian National Library making available online historical Austrian (German language) newspapers and magazines
- Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur(recent issues in print)
1874 (volume 1) until 1997 available electronically through DigiZeitschriften - DDR-Presse(Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin)
Search through 40 years of East German history as printed in the pages of Neues Deutschland, Neue Zeit, and Berliner Zeitung. Registration required - DigiZeitschriftenCollection of German periodicals considered to be among the most important in the following areas of research: Anglistik, Buch- / Bibliothekswesen, Geowissenschaften, Germanistik, Geschichte, Kunst, Mathematik, Musikwissenschaft, Naturwissenschaften, Neuere Philologien, Rechtswissenschaften, Romanistik, Soziologie, and Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- Elektronische ZeitschriftenbibliothekProvides access to many German-language journal titles with various degrees of full-text access
- The German QuarterlyPublishes articles in literary and cultural studies. Also included are book reviews and special reports and forums
- German Studies ReviewScholarly journal of the German Studies Association, covering history, literature, culture studies, political science, and interdisciplinary topics
- IASLonlineOnline edition of the journal Das Internationale Archiv für Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur (International Archive for the Social History of German Literature). Features both theoretical articles on German literature and detailed reviews of recently published books on the same topics
- JSTORProvides full-text access for more than 1,450 scholarly journals in language and literature, history, and many other humanities and social sciences disciplines. Coverage is generally from 1900-2000, and there is a three- to five-year moving wall embargo for new content
- Liste deutschsprachiger LiteraturzeitschriftenWikipedia listing
- MiDU – Medien im DeutschunterrichtOnline magazine serving as a platform for theoretical, conceptual, and empirical research in the use of media in the teaching of German
- MonatsheftePublished by the University of Wisconsin Press, this is the oldest continuing journal of German Studies in the U.S. Available onlilne
- New German CritiqueCovers 20th century political and social theory, philosophy, literature, film, media and art
- New German Review(Dept. of Germanic Languages at UCLA)
Articles on German literature and language, intellectual history and philosophy, and German cultural studies from the Middle Ages to the present; also book reviews, interviews, and translations - text + kritikDevoted to 20th-century literature, film and music in Germany, Austria, and other German-speaking regions of Europe
- Transit: A Journal of Travel, Migration and Multiculturalism in the German-speaking WorldA web-based, refereed, multimedia production originating from the Department of German at the University of California, Berkeley, Transit features articles in all disciplines investigating cultural production, including literature, history, theater, linguistics, social sciences, anthropology, political science, geography, cultural studies, art history, philosophy, religious studies, visual culture, and film studies and the arts
- ZEFYS: Historische Zeitungen: ZeitungsinformationssystemDeveloped by the Berlin State Library (Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin), ZEFYS is the portal for accessing digitized German historical newspapers, as well as full-text and selected web resources and databases relevant to this publication type
- Zeitschriften der deutschen AufklärungFull-text access to German journals from the Age of Enlightenment (18th-19th centuries), a digitization project of Georg Olms Verlag and the University of Bielefeld