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Chinese Studies : Periodicals and Newspapers

Historical Periodicals and Newspapers

  • Chinese Periodical Full-text Database 1911-1949 (民国时期期刊全文数据库) (NetID required)
    The database covers over 20,000 journal titles with a mass of information on political, economic, military, social, livelihood, etc. It provides first-hand information to study the history of the Republic of China.
  • 點石齋畫報 1884-1898
    The Yale University Library digitalized and opened the illustrated supplement of 申報 to the public. The newspaper was published in Shanghai.
  • new Far Eastern Affairs (NetID required)
    Far Eastern Affairs is a quarterly peer-reviewed journal of the Institute for Far Eastern Studies at the Russian Academy of Sciences. The journal provides in-depth multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary discussion of Russia’s relations with China, Japan, North and South Korea, as well as other countries of the Asia-Pacific region. 
  • Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) 1941-1996 (NetID required)
    The Readex FBIS electronic database consists of scanned copies of the paper issues of the various FBIS Daily Reports. In 1947 Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service (FBMS) was renamed the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS). Its original mission was centered on radio and press agency monitoring and translation. 
  • Late Qing and Republican-Era Chinese Newspapers 1912-1949 (NetID required)
    This collection from the Center for Research Libraries (CRL) provides a perspective between 1912 and 1949. The collection provides researchers a richly comprehensive perspective on Chinese life, culture, and politics throughout the collapse of the Qing Dynasty, the years of the provisional government and civil war, and the birth of the People’s Republic.
  • Mobilizing East Asia Online (NetID required)
    This collection offers a selected and organized range of essential English-language newspapers, magazines, pamphlets and books following the descent into war in East and South-East Asia from the turn of the twentieth century to the 1950s.
  • Pictorial for the Current Situation 1905-1913 (時事畫報)
    The Cornell University Library digitalized the historical newspaper and shared it with the public. the newspaper was founded in Guangzhou in September 1905. It was stopped publication in 1913, which was published in 142 issues in the period. It is the earliest lithographic pictorial in China.
  • Propaganda and the Chinese Press: Global Perspectives 1946-1996 (NetID required)
    It is a digital archive of articles published by Xinhua, or New China News Agency, from 1946 to 1996. The materials were collected and translated into English by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) as part of its intelligence-gathering operations. 
  • Selected Translations 1973-1976 (摘译)
    The Institute of Chinese Studies Heidelberg holds a full run of this journal. 摘译 was “internally published” by 上海人民出版社 from late 1973 to the end of 1976. 
  • Shen Bao 1872-1949 (申報) (NetID required)
    It was the longest-lasting and probably most influential newspaper in modern China. Its circulation expanded until reaching 150,000 in the 1930s.
  • Ta Kong Pao 1902-1949 (大公報) (NetID required)
    Ta Kong Pao published since 1902. It is one of the longest-published newspapers in China. The period 1902-1949 covers the historical events in modern China.
  • The Eastern Miscellany 1904-1948 (東方雜志)
    The full-text database provides 東方雜志 with over 30,000 articles, 12,000 pictures, and 14,000 advertisements from 44 volumes and 819 periods. 
  • The North-China Daily News & Herald Newspapers and Hong Lists 1850-1951 (字林洋行中英文报纸全文数据库) (NetID required)
    The database has a comprehensive coverage of the English and Chinese newspapers of The North-China Herald (北华捷报/字林星期周刊), The North-China Daily News (字林西报), The Chinese Shipping List & Advertiser (上海新报), Hu Bao (沪报), Han Bao (汉报), Xiao Xian Bao (消闲报), and The North-China Desk Hong List (字林西报行名录).
