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Chinese Studies : Data and Maps


  • CSMAR: China Stock Market and Accounting Research Database (NetID required)
    This research-oriented database focuses on China's Finance and Economy and contains macroeconomic and industry statistics. UW-Madison users have access to China Industry Research Series (行业研究系列) and subdatabases in the China Economic Research Series (经济研究系列), covering Macroeconomic, Regional Economy, Industrial Statistics, County-Level Economic, Rural Finance and Economics, Education, Marine Resource Economics, Patent, and Culture Research.
  • China Statistical Yearbooks Database (中国经济社会大数据平台) (NetID required)
    The database is also known as CSYD. Statistical data in CSYD can quantitatively reflect the trend of national economic and social development in China, including the following industries: national economic accounting, fixed assets investment, population, and human resource, livelihood and consumption, enterprises, finance, natural resources, energy and natural environment, politics & law, public administration, farmers & agriculture & rural area, industry, construction and housing, transportation, post and telecommunications, information industry, domestic and international trade, tourism & catering, education, culture and sport, medicine and health care.
  • Chinese General Social Survey (中国综合社会调查 CGSS)
    It launched in 2003 and was the earliest national representative continuous survey project run by academic institutions. By 2013, the CGSS has built up the Religion; Social Inequality; Environment; Health; Family, work, and Gender Roles modules by the International Social Survey Programme (ISSP).
  • Contemporary Chinese Village Gazetteer Data (数字村庄)
    The University of Pittsburgh proposed the project with the goal of creating an open dataset consisting of data selected from the ULS collection of Chinese village gazetteers. The current dataset covers 1,200 villages and was uploaded in May 2021. 
  • National Bureau of Statistics of China 中华人民共和国国家统计局
    The government statistics website provides the latest release of data. 
  • National Data (国家数据)
    The platform provides the official statistical data. The National Data is open access and provided by the national bureau of statistics.  
  • National Population Census of China Database (中国人口普查数据库) (NetID required)
    The NPCC (National Population Census of China Database) contains authorized aggregated digital census data from China Statistics Press, the official publisher of the National Bureau of Statistics of the People’s Republic of China. UW-Madison currently provides access to data from the 7th National Population Census of China from 2020 and the 6th National Population Census of China from 2010. 
  • YearBook China (统计年鉴分享平台)
    The shared platform with city-level statistical data. Need register to get access.




  • DataBank
    The World Bank provides the global development data. It covers multiple sub-datasets, including the World Development Indicators (WDI).
  • Enterprise Surveys
    The World Bank covers a firm-level survey of a representative sample of an economy’s private sector. The surveys consist of a broad range of business environment topics including access to finance, corruption, infrastructure, crime, competition, and performance measures.
