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- Inscriptions and Rubbings
Chinese Studies : Inscriptions and Rubbings
Inscriptions and Rubbings
- 金石拓片資料: 國家圖書館
The National Central Library provides Bronze & Stone Rubbing Database from its participating libraries from East Asia, the United States, Europe, and Australia. It has comprised over 750,000 titles at 83 academic institutions and libraries worldwide.
- International Dunhuang Project (國際敦煌項目)
This database provides many digital facsimiles of the medieval texts, images, and artifacts discovered in Dunhuang. It is open access and downloadable. The database also includes early photographs taken at Dunhuang's Mogao Grottoes 敦煌莫高窟 and other Silk Road historical sites.
- new 数字甲骨国际共创计划
The world's largest multimodal oracle bone dataset
- The Institute of History and Philology's Project to Digitally Innovate Academic Settings (史語所學術創新數位深耕計劃)
The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 中央研究院歷史語言研究所 provides full open digital resources with the following databases:
Digital Archive of Bronze Rubbings (青銅器拓片數位典藏)
Digital Archive of Oracle Bones Rubbings (甲骨文數位典藏)
Digital Archive Project For The Liao-Chin-Yuan Rubbings (遼金元拓片資料庫)
Digital Archives of Bronze Images and Inscriptions (殷周金文暨青銅器資料庫)
- Archaeodata (考古資料數位典藏資料庫)
The database is one of The Institute of History and Philology's Project to Digitally Innovate Academic Settings 史語所學術創新數位深耕計劃 from The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica 中央研究院歷史語言研究所.
- 中國考古
The Institute of Archaeology CASS 中国社会科学院考古研究所 provides multiple digital resources of archaeology in China. It include
Archaeozoology Database (动物考古数据库)
Carbon-14 Database (碳14数据库)
Eaves Tiles Database (瓦当数据库)
Lacquerwares Database (漆器数据库)
Origins of Civilization Database (文明起源数据库)