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- 辞海 (NetID required)
It is an encyclopedic dictionary first published in 1915. The 2002 edition of Ci Hai, an authoritative large-scale comprehensive dictionary of the Chinese language. It includes some newly popular entries and terms.
- CJKV-English Dictionary (漢日韓越-英辭典) (NetID required)
The dictionary complied by A. Charles Muller. The platform provides the dictionary of Confucian, Daoist, and intellectual historical terms. The language includes Chinese-Japanese-Korean-Vietnamese/English.
- Dictionary of Chinese Character Variants (異體字字典)
The Ministry of Education appointed the National Taiwan Normal University to build up the online Chinese character variants. It contains over 100,000 character variants.
- Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (電子佛教辭典)
Dictionary of Buddhist terms from a range of languages.
- Han Dian (漢典)
The online dictionary is for modern and classical Chinese with some English glosses. It includes entries from 說文解字 and 康熙字典.
- Han Yu Da Ci Dian (汉语大词典) (NetID required)
It is a comprehensive Chinese word dictionary, is the most inclusive available Chinese dictionary. It has diachronic coverage of the Chinese language and traces usage over three millennia from Chinese classic texts to modern slang. Includes over 23,000 head entries, defines some 370,000 words, and gives 1,500,000 citations.
- 文津搜索
The platform from the National Library of China provides the index of searching and collecting resources in the library. It includes books, periodicals, digitalized microfilms, ancient documents, etc.
- 小學堂
The platform consists of a wide range of Classical Chinese philological tools, encompassing orthographic variants in different scripts, historical phonology, and lexicography.
- China Biographical Database (中國歷代人物傳記資料庫 CBDB)
Havard University provides an open-access database with biographical information about approximately 491,000 individuals as of May 2021, primarily from the 7th through 19th centuries. the data is meant to be useful for statistical, social network, and spatial analysis as well as serving as a kind of biographical reference.
- China Historical Christian Database (中国基督教历史资料库 CHCD)
The open beta site quantifies and visualizes the place of Christianity in modern China (1550-1950). It provides users the tools to discover where every Christian church, school, hospital, orphanage, publishing house, and the like were located in China, and it documents who worked inside those buildings, both foreign and Chinese. Please select the "BETA" tag on the main page to access this database.
- English/Chinese Comparison Table for Names of Chinese Studies Scholars
The University of Pittsburg University provides the table to download. The table is continuously updating.
- new Open Databases for China Studies Resource Guide
This guide provides an overview of open databases and free resources with primary materials for China studies research.
- new Oxford Bibliographies - Chinese Studies (NetID required)
A comprehensive reference tool offering authoritative research guides for Chinese studies, combining in-depth analysis of an annotated bibliography with the scope of an encyclopedia.
- PKULaw (北大法寶) (NetID required)
The digital resource provides the laws and regulations from China (1949-present), except for multiple law journal articles.
- 清季職官表查詢系統
The platform digitlized the 清季職官表附人物錄 (ISBN 9576718686) published by 中央研究院近代史研究所.