International/Global Affairs: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Autonomous/Secession Movements
- Writing, Citing, & Research Help
- Autonomous/Secession Movements
- Chemical and Biological Weapons
- European Union
- Food Shortages/Food Supply
- Globalization
- Human Trafficking
- Immigration - United States
- Nuclear Proliferation
- Palestine and Israel
- Pandemics
- Refugees
- Space Exploration
- Terrorism
- Newspaper Source PlusNewspaper Source Plus includes 1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles.
- Newspaper Research GuideThis guide describes sources for current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microfilm through the UW-Madison Libraries. These sources are categorized by pages: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International.
About Autonomous/Secession Movements
Around the world researchers and others have noted an increase in populist movements and attendant calls for autonomy and/or secession. While some movements are long-standing (e.g., the Basque in Spain and Quebecois in Canada), others are gaining traction and affecting the dynamic in and between nations (e.g., Catalan independence, "Brexit"). This research guide provides an introduction to the topic of movements for either autonomy or secession
Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: secession, secede, autonom*, separatis*, independence, or decoloniz* with a variety of nations, regions, or ethnic identities. For help brainstorming ideas, see Wikipedia's lists of active separatist movements.
Overview Resources - Background Information
- Opposing Viewpoints Resource CenterOpposing Viewpoints Resource Center (OVRC) provides viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles related to controversial social issues.
- Break It Up: Secession, Division, and the Secret History of America's Imperfect Union by Richard KreitnerCall Number: JK311 .K74 2020ISBN: 9780316510608Publication Date: 2020-08-18
- Secession and Separatist Conflicts in Postcolonial Africa by Charles G. Thomas; Toyin FalolaCall Number: ebookISBN: 9781773851266Publication Date: 2020-06-15
- Struggle for Catalonia: Rebel Politics in Spain by Raphael MinderCall Number: DP302.C69 M56 2017ISBN: 9781849048033Publication Date: 2017-10-01
- The Road to Somewhere: The Populist Revolt and the Future of Politics by David GoodhartCall Number: JC423 .G63354 2017ISBN: 9781849047999Publication Date: 2017-07-01
- Decolonization by Jan C Jansen; Jürgen Osterhammel; Jeremiah RiemerCall Number: JV151 .J3613 2017 or ebookISBN: 9780691165219Publication Date: 2017-01-10
- Europe's Last Chance: Why the European States Must Form a More Perfect Union by Guy VerhofstadtCall Number: JN30 .V4656 2017ISBN: 9780465096855Publication Date: 2017-01-03
- Being again of one mind: Oneida women and the struggle for decolonization by Lina SunseriCall Number: E99 O45 S88 2011ISBN: 9780774819350Publication Date: 2010-11-21
Articles - Scholarly & Popular
- Academic SearchIncludes scholarly and popular articles on many topics.
- PAIS (Public Affairs)Public Affairs Information Service indexes more than 900 journals; books; government documents; statistical compilations; committee reports; directories; serials; reports of public, intergovernmental, and private organizations; and most other forms of printed literature from all over the world. Its subject matter covers public policy, social policy, and the social sciences in general.