You may run across articles that do not have the full text available. In this case, you can request an article through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). This tutorial will guide you through this process when you are already in the database and have the article ready.
Step 1: Find the article you need that does not have full text. In this example, we will be using the article “Taking Care of the Hateful Patient.”
Step 2: After finding the article in your desired database, look for the “Find It” button on the side of the webpage. Do not click the full text link of the publisher, since we already know we do not have full text access.
Step 3: The “Find It” button should launch you to a page with multiple options. From here, you should click, “Request A Copy."
Step 4: After clicking “Request A Copy,” you will be directed to the Interlibrary Loan (ILL) request page. You may first be asked to enter your NetID. Click the button to request a "Digital Copy of an Article or Chapter." You will then be re-routed back to the request form.
Step 5: Fill out the forms with as much of the article information as you have. *You should make a special note if you have a preferred language for the article or if you would like it in color. Click "Submit Request" when done.