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LSFM (Light Sheet Fluorescent Microscopy)

This is a list of publications on the theory, design and applications of light sheet microscopy and similar techniques. We try to keep it up-to-date, but please email Susi ( if a paper is missing.

2008 SPIM Publications

Becker, K., Jährling, N., Kramer, E. R., Schnorrer, F., & Dodt, H.-U. (2008). Ultramicroscopy: 3D reconstruction of large microscopical specimens. J. Biophotonics, 1(1), 36–42.

Cavey, M., & Lecuit, T. (2008). Imaging cellular and molecular dynamics in live embryos using fluorescent proteins. Methods Mol. Biol., 420, 219–238.

Chi, N. C., Shaw, R. M., Jungblut, B., Huisken, J., Ferrer, T., Arnaout, R., … Stainier, D. Y. R. (2008). Genetic and physiologic dissection of the vertebrate cardiac conduction system. PLoS Biol., 6(5), e109.

Dunsby, C. (2008). Optically sectioned imaging by oblique plane microscopy. Opt. Express, 16(25), 20306–20316.

Engelbrecht, C. J., Johnston, R. S., Seibel, E. J., & Helmchen, F. (2008). Ultra-compact fiber-optic two-photon microscope for functional fluorescence imaging in vivo. Opt. Express, 16(8), 5556–5564.

Greger, K. (2008). Dynamic 3D Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging using Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy (SPIM). In FOM 2008 (pp. 1–1).

Hofman, R., Segenhout, J. M., Buytaert, J. A. N., Dirckx, J. J. J., & Wit, H. P. (2008). Morphology and function of Bast’s valve: additional insight in its functioning using 3D-reconstruction. Eur. Arch. Otorhinolaryngol., 265(2), 153–157.

Holekamp, T. F., Turaga, D., & Holy, T. E. (2008). Fast three-dimensional fluorescence imaging of activity in neural populations by objective-coupled planar illumination microscopy. Neuron, 57(5), 661–672.

Keller, P. J., Pampaloni, F., Lattanzi, G., & Stelzer, E. H. K. (2008). Three-dimensional microtubule behavior in Xenopus egg extracts reveals four dynamic states and state-dependent elastic properties. Biophys. J., 95(3), 1474–1486.

Keller, P. J., Schmidt, A. D., Wittbrodt, J., & Stelzer, E. H. K. (2008). Reconstruction of zebrafish early embryonic development by scanned light sheet microscopy. Science, 322(5904), 1065–1069.

Keller, P. J., & Stelzer, E. H. K. (2008). Quantitative in vivo imaging of entire embryos with Digital Scanned Laser Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol., 18(6), 624–632.

Klohs, J., Gräfe, M., Graf, K., Steinbrink, J., Dietrich, T., Stibenz, D., … Wunder, A. (2008). In vivo imaging of the inflammatory receptor CD40 after cerebral ischemia using a fluorescent antibody. Stroke, 39(10), 2845–2852.

Konopka, C. A., & Bednarek, S. Y. (2008). Variable-angle epifluorescence microscopy: a new way to look at protein dynamics in the plant cell cortex. Plant J., 53(1), 186–196.

Laksameethanasan, D., Brandt, S. S., Engelhardt, P., Renaud, O., & Shorte, S. L. (2008). A Bayesian reconstruction method for micro-rotation imaging in light microscopy. Microsc. Res. Tech., 71(2), 158–167.

Munson, C., Huisken, J., Bit-Avragim, N., Kuo, T., Dong, P. D., Ober, E. A., … Stainier, D. Y. R. (2008). Regulation of neurocoel morphogenesis by Pard6 gamma b. Dev. Biol., 324(1), 41–54.

Preibisch, S., Ejsmont, R., Rohlfing, T., & Tomancak, R. (2008). Towards digital representation of Drosophila embryogenesis. In Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro, 2008. ISBI 2008. 5th IEEE International Symposium on (pp. 324–327).

Preibisch, S., Rohlfing, T., Hasak, M. P., & Tomancak, P. (2008). Mosaicing of single plane illumination microscopy images using groupwise registration and fast content-based image fusion. In Medical Imaging (Vol. 6914, p. 69140E–69140E–8). International Society for Optics and Photonics.

Renaud, O., Viña, J., Yu, Y., Machu, C., Trouvé, A., Van der Voort, H., … Shorte, S. L. (2008). High-resolution 3-D imaging of living cells in suspension using confocal axial tomography. Biotechnol. J., 3(1), 53–62.

Reynaud, E. G., Krzic, U., Greger, K., & Stelzer, E. H. K. (2008). Light sheet-based fluorescence microscopy: more dimensions, more photons, and less photodamage. HFSP J., 2(5), 266–275.

Ritter, J. G., Veith, R., Siebrasse, J.-P., & Kubitscheck, U. (2008). High-contrast single-particle tracking by selective focal plane illumination microscopy. Opt. Express, 16(10), 7142–7152.

Samsonov, D., Elsaesser, A., Edwards, A., Thomas, H. M., & Morfill, G. E. (2008). High speed laser tomography system. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 79(3), 35102.

Scherz, P. J., Huisken, J., Sahai-Hernandez, P., & Stainier, D. Y. R. (2008). High-speed imaging of developing heart valves reveals interplay of morphogenesis and function. Development, 135(6), 1179–1187.

Tokunaga, M., Imamoto, N., & Sakata-Sogawa, K. (2008). Highly inclined thin illumination enables clear single-molecule imaging in cells. Nat. Methods, 5(2), 159–161.

Turaga, D., & Holy, T. E. (2008). Miniaturization and defocus correction for objective-coupled planar illumination microscopy. Opt. Lett., 33(20), 2302–2304.

van ’t Hoff, M., de Sars, V., & Oheim, M. (2008). A programmable light engine for quantitative single molecule TIRF and HILO imaging. Opt. Express, 16(22), 18495–18504.