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Low-carb Diet Craze
- Partnership for Essential Nutrition: the skinny on low-carb claims
The Partnership for Essential Nutrition is a broad-based group of non-profit consumer, nutrition and public health organizations formed in 2004 to promote programs, policies and research that will advance public understanding about the essentials of a nutritionally balanced diet for weight loss and beyond.
- FDA Factsheet on carbohydrates.
- Concerned with the public's health, was launched by Dr. Michael Greger in June 2004. The site provides links to press articles on the Atkins Diet, as well as other low-carbohydrate diets. The site also includes "expert opinions", such as those of the American Cancer Society, the American Dietetic Association, the American Heart Association, and the American Institute for Cancer Research.
- While not directly concerned with low-carbohydrate diets, the American Heart Association has a page with information on "Quick-Weight-Loss or Fad Diets"; this page also contains pertinent links to other AHA sites, including information on the Mediterranean Diet, Obesity and Overweight issues, Obesity in Children, and Very Low Fat Diets.
- is a web site operated by the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), a national medical organizations representing more than 93,700 family physicians, family practice residents and medical students. Their Healthy Living section has good information on Fad Diets , including information on controlled carbohydrate diets.