Madison Teaching & Learning Excellence Faculty Learning Community : Mentoring
CIMER mentoring texts:
Entering Mentoring by Christine Pfund; Janet Branchaw; Jo Handelsman
Call Number: We've requested the most recent (2015) edition of this text from the libraries and will update this link accordingly.ISBN: 9781464184901Publication Date: 2015This revised edition is designed for those who wish to implement mentorship development programs for academic research mentors across science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and includes materials from the Entering Research companion curriculum published in 2010. This revised edition of Entering Mentoring is tailored for the primary mentors of undergraduate researchers in any STEM discipline and provides research mentor training to meet the needs of diverse mentors and mentees in various settings. You can find the 2015 edition on the publisher's website. We've put in a library request for an ebook and will update this page with a direct link if it is successful.Entering Research by Janet L. Branchaw; Amanda R. Butz; Amber Smith
Call Number: Available in hardcopy via the libraries.ISBN: 9781319263683Publication Date: 2019-07-10For students whose experience with science has been primarily in the classroom, it can be difficult to identify and contact potential mentors, and to navigate the transition to a one-on-one, mentor-student relationship. This is especially true for those who are new to research, or who belong to groups that are underrepresented in research. The Entering Research curriculum offers a mechanism to structure the independent research experience, and help students overcome these challenges.
- "Mentoring Research Writers"Brad Hughes, UW-Madison Writing Center's Emeritus Director, has distilled and adapted aspects of the Entering Mentoring text into a short, writing-specific overview that many MTLE fellows have found useful.
- Entering Mentoring Curricula PreviewEntering Mentoring curricular resource PDFs organized by discipline.
Mentoring Learners in STEMM
In December 2017, the National Academies assembled the Committee on the Science of Effective Mentoring in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine to produce a new consensus study on evidence-based approaches to mentorship in STEMM for students at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The following website and downloadable PDF highlight the key lessons from the committee’s literature review and listening sessions.
Conferencing With Learners
Teaching One-to-One: The Writing Conference by Muriel Harris
Call Number: Full ebook available through the WAC Clearinghouse.ISBN: 0-8141-5188-4Publication Date: 2015 (original published in1986)One of the most widely cited books on conferencing. Harris offers a theoretical framework for conference teaching, descriptions of activities typical of and central to writing conferences, advice on diagnostic strategies for individualized instruction, and instructional strategies. Discussions in the book borrow from a wide range of fields, including counseling and therapy, cognitive science, anthropology, and education. In appendices, Harris includes a set of teaching materials that can be useful for training purposes.