Madison Teaching & Learning Excellence Faculty Learning Community : Learning Assessment Techniques
Learning Assessment Techniques
The following texts include an excellent range of formative assessment activities you can explore for many different learning contexts. The majority of these texts are immediately available in e-book format through the UW-Madison libraries. We recommend engaging with the contextual overviews in each of these texts, as they do a great job of unpacking the motivation and research base behind the practices described.
If you'd like to explore the techniques by themselves in a sortable and filterable spreadsheet, we have incorporated descriptions of activities from the books listed below into a large learning assessment techniques database. Where UW-Madison has access to the e-books in question, we've included direct hyperlinks to each activity's full walk-through in each text. (You'll need to log in to your libraries account first for these links to take you straight to the page in question.)
- UW Active Learning KnowledgebaseUW-Madison colleagues have created a condensed list of activities from these texts in the KnowledgeBase wiki on active learning techniques. These pages highlight in-person and online considerations with reference to UW-Madison-supported technology and examples of UW instructors who put these approaches into practice.
Learning Assessment Techniques Collections
Collaborative Learning Techniques by Elizabeth F. Barkley; K. Patricia Cross
Call Number: Full e-book & hardcopy available through the libraries.ISBN: 1118761553Publication Date: 2014-08-11Creative assignments for pairs and groups. Practical advice on how to form student groups, assign roles, build productive team dynamics, address unexpected problems, and evaluate participation.Learning Assessment Techniques by Elizabeth F. Barkley and Claire H. Major
Call Number: Full e-book available through the libraries.ISBN: 9781119050933Publication Date: 2015-12-2150 active learning techniques that gauge student learning across academic disciplines and learning environments. Using Fink's Taxonomy of Significant Learning as its organizational framework, this book describes each technique's purpose and use, key learning goals, step-by-step implementation, online adaptation, analysis and reporting, and concrete examples in both on-site and online environments.Interactive Lecturing by Elizabeth F. Barkley
Call Number: Full e-book & hardcopy available through the librariesISBN: 1119277442Publication Date: 2018-01-24Tips and techniques to build interactive learning into lecture classes.Classroom Assessment Techniques by Thomas A. Angelo; K. Patricia Cross
ISBN: 1555425003Publication Date: 1993-04-16Angelo & Cross's text is a classic. Its first edition was released in 1988 and it is regularly referenced in discussions of classroom assessment techniques (CATs) or learning assessment techniques (LATs). You'll find detailed and updated reprises of many of this text's techniques in the other books in this section. Although the UW Libraries does not have ebook access to this book, we do have several copies on the MTLE bookshelf that we're happy to bring to weekly sessions for you to borrow.