Madison Teaching & Learning Excellence Faculty Learning Community : Formative & Summative Assessment
Assessment Principles and Practices
Assessing Student Learning by Linda Suskie
Call Number: Full e-book available through the libraries.ISBN: 9781119426936Publication Date: 2018-02-13This third edition of Suskie's text adds a stronger emphasis on making assessment useful; greater attention to building a culture in which assessment is used to inform important decisions; an enhanced focus on the many settings of assessment, especially general education and co-curricula; a new emphasis on synthesizing evidence of student learning into an overall picture of an integrated learning experience; new chapters on curriculum design and assessing the hard-to-assess; more thorough information on organizing assessment processes; new frameworks for rubric design and setting standards and targets; and more.
Assessing Learning With Writing Assignments and Projects
- The Writing Across the Curriculum Program (WAC)The WAC Program at UW-Madison supports instructors in designing and refining writing assignments, in-class activities, feedback strategies, and more. (You'll get to work with the team directly during the first module of our second semester in MTLE, but you're also welcome to connect with them beforehand!)
- The Writing Across the Curriculum Faculty SourcebookThis is a collection of strong writing assignments composed by instructors at UW (including many MTLE Fellows). Specialists in the Writing Across the Curriculum Program have annotated many of the assignments to illustrate instructional principles.
- The WAC Online Writing ToolkitThis toolkit provides principles as well as practical strategies and applied examples for designing effective high-stakes as well as low-stakes writing assignments (including online posts, digital media projects, and more).
Assignment Design
Engaging Ideas by Dan Melzer; John C. Bean
Call Number: Full e-book & hardcopy available through the librariesISBN: 9781119705406Publication Date: 2021-06-09An updated version of a resource that has long been a staple for many who teach writing and critical thinking skills. In addition to excellent, research-based guidance, this text provides many examples of authentic assessments and rubrics.Designing Writing Assignments by Traci Gardner
Call Number: Full ebook available through the WAC Clearinghouse.ISBN: 978-0-8141-1085-0Publication Date: 2008During our B2 module in MTLE, many instructors express interest in learning different ways to compose an authentic role, audience, and task for their assingnments. This text provides ideas on how to effectively define a writing task, explore the expectations for a composition activity, and assemble the supporting materials that students need to do their best work. (Of particular relevance is Ch. 4: Defining New Tasks for Standard Writing Activities.)The Meaningful Writing Project by Michele Eodice; Anne Ellen Geller; Neal Lerner
Call Number: Full e-book & hardcopy available through the librariesISBN: 9781607325802Publication Date: 2017-03-01The Meaningful Writing Project offers readers a story of writing in higher education that shares students' experiences in their own voices. In presenting the results of a three-year study consisting of surveys and interviews of university seniors and their faculty across three diverse institutions, the authors consider students' perceptions of their meaningful writing experiences, the qualities of those experiences, and instructors' perspectives on assignment design and delivery.
The Transparency in Learning and Teaching (TILT) Framework
- Transparency in Learning and Teaching project (TILT Higher Ed)Transparent teaching methods help students understand how and why they are learning in particular ways. The Transparency in Learning and Teaching project aims to advance equitable teaching and learning practices that reduce systemic inequities in higher education by advocating for a series of transparent instruction principles and practices. The TILT checklist is a valuable resource for authentic assessment design. The website also features multiple examples of assignments before and after being revised to enhance transparency and authenticity.
Ungrading by Susan D. Blum (Editor); Alfie Kohn (Foreword by)
Call Number: Full e-book available through the librariesISBN: 1949199819Publication Date: 2020-12-30In Ungrading, fifteen educators write about their diverse experiences going gradeless. Some contributors are new to the practice and some have been engaging in it for decades. Some are in humanities and social sciences, some in STEM fields. Some are in higher education, some in K-12. This research-based text includes honest reflections on what makes ungrading challenging and stories about what makes it transformative.
Specifications Grading
- Specifications Grading by Linda B. NilsonCall Number: Full ebook available through the libraries.ISBN: 9781620362433Publication Date: 2015-03-01This book features many examples of courses that faculty have adapted to specs grading.
Contract Grading
Two Texts in Dialogue:
Labor-Based Grading Contracts: Building Equity and Inclusion in the Compassionate Writing Classroom by Asao B. Inoue
Call Number: Full ebook available through the Writing Across the Curriculum ClearinghouseISBN: 9781607329251Publication Date: 2019-09-06In Labor-Based Grading Contracts, Asao B. Inoue argues for the use of labor-based grading contracts along with compassionate practices to determine course grades. The heart of the book details the theoretical and practical ways labor-based grading contracts can be used and assessed for effectiveness in classrooms and programs.The Hidden Inequities in Labor-Based Contract Grading by Ellen C. Carillo
Call Number: Full ebook available through the libraries.ISBN: 9781646422678Publication Date: 2021-11-01This book engages the discussion of labor-based grading by expanding the scope of this assessment practice to include students who are disabled and multiply marginalized. Through the lens of disability studies, the book critiques the assumption that labor is a neutral measure by which to assess students and explores how labor-based grading contracts put certain groups of students at a disadvantage. Ellen C. Carillo offers engagement-based grading contracts as an alternative that would provide a more equitable assessment model. The book explores the history of labor-based grading contracts, reviews the scholarship on this assessment tool, highlights the ways in which it normalizes labor as an unbiased tool, and demonstrates how to extend the conversation in new and generative ways both in research and in classrooms. Carillo encourages instructors to reflect on their assessment practices by demonstrating how even assessment methods that are designed through a social-justice lens may unintentionally privilege some students over others.