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Product Design : Standards

What is a Standard?

"A prescribed set of rules, conditions, or requirements concerning definitions of terms; classification of components; specification of materials, performance, or operations; delineation of procedures; or measurement of quantity and quality in describing materials, products, systems , services or practices." - National Policy on Standards for the United States and a Recommended Implementation Plan, National Standards Policy Advisory Committee, Washington, D.C. Dec. 1978, p.6.

ANSI  ISO  ASTM International Standards Worldwide  IEEE Advancing Technology for Humanity

Please watch the following video from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for more information:

Video: What ISO standards do for you

Why Search for Standards?

Incorporating standards into the design process can help you to:

  • Identify design constraints from best practices established by experts in the industry
  • Comply with laws that specify design and testing criteria
  • Reduce your product liability risk by complying with best practices and/or laws
  • Budget for certification testing that may be required or can improve your market position.

Where to Find Standards

Standards Available Online

The following are full-text standards databases available through UW Libraries.

If you have requested a standard

Standards purchased by request of UW faculty, staff, and students are made available through Techstreet Enterprise.

Free Full Text Standards

Standards in Print

Use the Library Catalog to locate print standards on campus.

  • Search for the word standard* combined with keywords on your topic.
  • The catalog will provide the location and call number of the standard. Note that some standards are available by request only.

SAE Standards

How do I get the full text of an SAE J Standard?

  • If you have a J standard number or title, a Reference librarian can help you retrieve a PDF copy of these standards.

What years of SAE J Standards does the UW own?

How can I get SAE Aerospace Standards?

Other Campus Standards Resources

Request a Standard

Can't find the standard you need? For UW staff and students, UW Libraries can purchase specific standards through Techstreet Enterprise upon request.

Standards Stores & Search Engines

Use these resources to locate standard titles, numbers, and descriptions across multiple organizations. Use this information to continue your search and, if necessary, place a standard purchase request.

More on Standards

See the Standards Research Guide for more information on standards.

Get Help with Standards

Physical Science & Engineering TeamScience & Engineering Libraries

Schedule a Consultation

Ariel Andrea | Chemistry

Dave Bloom | Steenbock Library

Anne Glorioso | Steenbock Library

Erin Thomas | Steenbock Library

Finding Standards

Standards may be available in print or available online.

The following video provides techniques for finding standards using websites of government agencies, standards organization, standard stores, and competitors.

The following video demonstrates how to access full-text standards from federal agencies and databases (including ASTM) and how to locate print standards.