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- Standards
- What is a Standard?
Standards : What is a Standard?
What is a Standard?
"A prescribed set of rules, conditions, or requirements concerning definitions of terms; classification of components; specification of materials, performance, or operations; delineation of procedures; or measurement of quantity and quality in describing materials, products, systems , services or practices." - National Policy on Standards for the United States and a Recommended Implementation Plan, National Standards Policy Advisory Committee, Washington, D.C. Dec. 1978, p.6.
Please watch the following video from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for more information:
Video: What ISO standards do for you
Why Search for Standards?
Incorporating standards into the design process can help you to:
- Identify design constraints from best practices established by experts in the industry
- Comply with laws that specify design and testing criteria
- Reduce your product liability risk by complying with best practices and/or laws
- Budget for certification testing that may be required or can improve your market position.
Find out more
- What are standards?Information from the National Institute of Standards and Testing (NIST).
- The Impact of StandardsLearn about the impact of standards on many aspects of life. From the American National Standards Institute.
- Standards Training Courses & WebinarsWebinars and self-paced educational tools that give an introduction to standards and conformity assessment activities. From the American National Standards Institute.
- Developing StandardsInformation on standards development from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
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Ariel Andrea | Chemistry
Dave Bloom | Steenbock Library
Anne Glorioso | Steenbock Library
Erin Thomas | Steenbock Library