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FW ECOL 515: Natural Resources Policy (Fall 2024) : Resources for Writing & Citing

Writing Assistance

Writing Center
The Writing Center provides individual writing assistance to students (undergraduate & graduate) by appointment. Writing Center staff can consult with you in-person or virtually.

Writer's Handbook
The Writer's Handbook serves as an online guide to the writing process with advice on structure, grammar, punctuation, and citation styles--with examples drawn from APA, CSE, MLA and others.

See also our Libraries' guide to Citing Sources.

Citing government publications

The "Citing Government Publications" section of the U.S. Government Publications at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Research Guide links to general guides to citing government information, as well as to resources about citing government information using APA, MLA, Turabian, and Chicago styles.

Citing gov't publications from ProQuest Congressional

ProQuest has a research guide (called a "LibGuide") for the ProQuest Congressional database.  It has a section on citing publications from the database. 

Citation Managers

Citation Managers. The Libraries support several products for managing the information you retrieve and for formatting your reference lists as you compose your papers. These products include EndNote (Desktop & Online) and Zotero.