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FW ECOL 515: Natural Resources Policy (Fall 2024) : In-Class Exercises

Examine entries

Group 1, work in pairs and look at Entry R (Posted by the Fish and Wildlife Service on Nov 2, 2020):


Group 2, work in pairs and look at Entry PR (Posted by the Fish and Wildlife Service on March 14, 2019):


  1. When you get to the page, click
    1. "more details" under "document details" on the right.
    2. "download file" on the right to download the actual entry and select "PDF."  You may have to go to the "downloads" section of your device to view the PDF.
  2. Scroll down the entire entry.
  3. Identify at least two sections of the entry that would help you identify or answer research questions related to a policy.

Be prepared to discuss with the whole class!

Citation activity

Examine a Congressional Research Service (CRS) Report

Experimental Populations Under the Endangered Species Act and Gray Wolves, July 28, 2023:

This link takes you to a description of the report; scroll down to the heading PDF Full Text and click Replica of Original below that heading to view the full text of the report.

Identify two ways in which this CRS report differs from the entry you looked at earlier.

Be prepared to discuss with the whole class!

Policy basics

Professor Rissman asks you to answer a set of questions regarding each policy you write about.  This set is called the "policy basics." If you're not sure what to look for in a policy document, look for answers to these "policy basics" in the document. 

  1. Who is the decision maker?
  2. What level is the government? (federal, state, county, municipal)
  3. What is the type of policy? (law, executive order, regulation/rule, guidance, treaty, court ruling)
  4. What are the policy tools involved?
  5. What are the main laws that apply?
  6. Who are the main stakeholders and their positions?
  7. When is the timeframe for the decision and implementation process?
  8. Where does the policy apply?