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Internet and Online Culture: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Social Media


The UW-Madison Newspapers' Research Guide provides a variety of places to find current and historical newspapers available through the UW-Madison Libraries categorized by: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International newspapers. 

Alternately, try using one of these specific newspaper databases:

About Social Media

This Research Guide provides resources related to social media.

Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: "social media" AND adolescents, "social media" AND "mental health" AND teenagers, "social media" AND students AND success, "social media" AND cyberbullying, Facebook AND politics, "social media" AND advertising, "social media" AND multiculturalism, TikTok AND gender, "social media" AND hiring.

Overview Resource/Background Information



The links below are to streaming films accessed through their records in the UW-Madison Libraries catalog:

Articles - Scholarly and Popular

Statistics and Data