Internet and Online Culture: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Net Neutrality
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- Artificial Intelligence
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- Net Neutrality
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- Newspaper Source PlusNewspaper Source Plus includes 1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles.
- Newspaper Research GuideThis guide describes sources for current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microfilm through the UW-Madison Libraries. These sources are categorized by pages: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International.
- Federal Communications CommissionThe Federal Communications Commission regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite, and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and U.S. territories. An independent U.S. government agency overseen by Congress, the Commission is the federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing America’s communications law and regulations.
- Electronic Frontier FoundationThe Electronic Frontier Foundation is the leading nonprofit organization defending civil liberties in the digital world. Founded in 1990, EFF champions user privacy, free expression, and innovation through impact litigation, policy analysis, grassroots activism, and technology development. We work to ensure that rights and freedoms are enhanced and protected as our use of technology grows.
About Net Neutrality
Net Neutrality is the idea that internet service providers would not be able to favor some users over others, for example Internet Service providers can not charge a fee to websites with higher traffic that have a higher bandwidth demand.
Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: Net Neutrality OR Network Neutrality, Net Neutrality AND Internet Service Providers, Net Neutrality AND Constitution, Net Neutrality AND Free Speech, Net Neutrality AND Free Market, Net Neutrality AND Social Justice, Net Neutrality AND competition, FCC, Neutrality pros and cons, and Net Neutrality Laws OR Network Neutrality Laws
Overview Resources - Background Information
- Opposing Viewpoint in ContextOpposing Viewpoints in Context provides viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles related to controversial social issues.
- CQ ResearcherContains weekly in-depth reports that cover the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insight into all sides of the issues, bibliographies and more.
- Free PressInformation on political advocacy surrounding Net Neutrality.
After net neutrality : A new deal for the digital age by by Victor Pickard and David Elliot Berman
Call Number: ebookISBN: 9780300249101Publication Date: 2019Network Neutrality: From Policy to Law to Regulation by Christopher T. Marsden
Call Number: K4345 .M37 2017ISBN: 1526105470Publication Date: 2017-02-23The Idealist: Aaron Swartz and the Rise of Free Culture on the Internet by Justin Peters
Call Number: ZA3270 .P47 2016ISBN: 9781476767727Publication Date: 2016-01-12Digital Disconnect: How Capitalism is Turning the Internet Against Democracy by Robert W. McChesney
Call Number: HM851 M393 2013ISBN: 9781595588678Publication Date: 2013-03-05Tubes : A Journey to the Center of the Internet by Andrew Blum
Call Number: TK5105.875 I57 B58 2012ISBN: 9780061994937Publication Date: 2012-05-29
Articles- Scholarly and Popular
- Academic SearchAcademic Search Premier is a multidisciplinary database that provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including approximately 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. A total of 8,500 journals are indexed and abstracted.
- PAISPublic Affairs Information Service indexes covers public policy, social policy, and the social sciences in general.
- Business Source CompleteThe database covers a wide range of business topics including accounting, finance, management, marketing and real estate.
- Hein Online (Law)Full-text legal periodicals, historical texts, foreign & international materials, and primary legal materials in PDF, including the Federal Register, U.S. Statutes at Large, U.S. Reports & attorney general opinions, state session laws, and more. (Updated daily)
- Data Citation IndexThe Data Citation Index provides a single point of access to quality research data from repositories across disciplines and around the world. Through linked content and summary information, this data is displayed within the broader context of the scholarly research, enabling users to gain perspective that is lost when data sets or repositories are viewed in isolation.