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Chican@ & Latinx Topics : Articles

This research guide provides an introduction to Chicanx/Chican@ & Latinx/Latin@ topics & resources at UW-Madison and beyond.

About Article Databases

You can find links to relevant databases to search in the next column.

  • Databases provide a way to search for all types of articles (newspaper, scholarly, etc.) found in journals, magazines, and newspapers. 
  • Article databases work similarly to video streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or iTunes. Each streaming service has a large selection of movies and television shows, but does not include all movies and all television shows. This is the same for article databases. Each database has many articles, but not all the articles. Try searching multiple databases to find the articles you need.
  • In the cases where no full text is available in a specific database, use the red Find It button to locate it in another database.

Links to Article Databases

Academic Search Premier
A multidisciplinary database that provides full text for more than 4,600 journals.

America: History and Life
Indexes and abstracts more than 1700 social science and humanities journals in the field of United States and Canadian history.

American National Biography
Consists of approximately 19,000 biographies of well-known deceased Americans. It is searchable by full text, birthplace, gender, birth/death dates, occupations, how someone is known. Includes a Hispanic Heritage collection.

Chicano Database
This is the most comprehensive resource for information about Mexican-American and Chicana/o topics. Incorporates the Spanish Speaking Mental Health Database as well as (1992 to the present) the broader Latino experience of Puerto Ricans, Cuban Americans, and Central American immigrants.

Google Scholar
Enables you to search specifically for scholarly literature, including peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, preprints, abstracts and technical reports from all broad areas of research.

HAPI Online (Hispanic American Periodicals Index)
Contains worldwide information about Central and South America, Mexico, the Caribbean basin, the United States-Mexico border region, and Hispanics in the United States. It covers materials published in more than 400 key social science and humanities journals.

SocINDEX with Full Text
Provides high-quality indexing and abstracts for journals covering the broad spectrum of sociological study.