Includes in fulltext The Advocate, Gay & Lesbian Review Worldwide, Journal of Lesbian Studies, Journal of Homosexuality, the Lambda Book Review, and many other gender-related academic journals as well as gender-related magazines and newspapers.
LGBT Life with Fulltext
Fulltext of numerous LGBT periodicals and books, plus indexing of hundreds more.
LGBT Thought and Culture
Includes books, periodicals, and archival materials documenting LGBT political, social and cultural movements throughout the twentieth century and into the present day
LGBT Studies in Video
A cinematic survey of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people as well as the cultural and political evolution of the LGBT community.
Project Muse
Fulltext articles in the humanities and social sciences, including GLQ: A Journal of Gay and Lesbian Studies (since 1999), Journal of the History of Sexuality (since 2001), several women's studies journals, many literary and history journals, and much more.
Women and Social Movements in the United States
Women and Social Movements is divided into the document projects that interpret and present materials, many of which are not otherwise available online, in U.S. history and U.S. women's history.
Women's Studies International
Indexes thousands of books, articles, reports, and more. Especially useful for lesbian-related searches.