Newspapers : International
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Library Catalog
International News Sites
Newspapers on Microfilm
Memorial Library has some international newspapers on microfilm. Microfilm is located in the Mircroforms/Media Collection (MMC) Reading Room (262 D/E in Memorial Library).
Newspapers at Other Institutions
Search these sources for newspapers at other institutions. Use Interlibrary Loan to request newspapers held by these institutions.
- WorldCatSearch for newspapers (and other materials) at libraries around the world. Select Title Phrase from the drop down menu to search for a particular newspaper. Also search for newspapers published in or covering a a particular geographic area.
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Current International News and Newspaper Databases
Below is a list of databases for finding current international newspaper content. Search these databases by keywords to find specific articles. Generally, content in these databases was published in the past 15-20 years to date. Pictures, advertisements, and special sections are often not included. Click on the i to access a title or source list.
- Canadian Major DailiesThis is the core of Canadian Newsstand. Included are national and leading regional papers such as National Post, Calgary Herald, Edmonton Journal, Montreal Gazette, Ottawa Citizen, Regina Leader Post, Vancouver Sun and the Victoria Times-Colonist.
- FactivaDates vary.
A source for business and financial news. Provides access to almost 9000 business, trade, and general publications, including same day, full text access to the Wall Street Journal, Barron's, New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Washington Post. - Informe!1990s to present
Updated daily
Includes content of newspapers (Argentina, Chile, Mexico, Uruguay and Venezuela) from which around 20 to 80 stories/day are provided. Title List - International NewsstreamInternational Newsstream provides the most recent news content outside of the US and Canada, with archives which stretch back decades featuring newspapers, newswires, and news sites in active full-text format. ProQuest International Newsstream provides information from more than 660 of the world's top newspapers, including The Times (London), The Bangkok Post, El Norte, Financial Times, The Guardian, Jerusalem Post, South China Morning Post, The Daily Telegraph, Asian Wall Street Journal, and the BBC Monitoring series of publications.
- Kikuzo II – Asahi Shinbun DatabaseThis database contains five separate sections: 1. Asahi Shinbun, Shukan Asahi, and AERA: full-text database (1984 to the present) 2. Asahi Shinbun Shukusatsuban: newspaper-page database (1879–1989) 3. Chie-zo: dictionary of contemporary terms 4. Jinbutsu: Who's Who 5. Rekishi Shashin: historical photo archive (1930s–1945). (Updated daily).
- Library Edition World CollectionFull-text of local newspapers from the United States, including Wisconsin, dating from the 1700s to the 2000s. Limited additional coverage of local newspapers from other countries.
- Newspaper Source Plus1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles. The database contains comprehensive full text for major newspapers such as The Boston Globe, The Christian Science Monitor, The Daily Mail (UK), The Irish Times (Ireland), The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), The Times of London, The Toronto Star, USA Today, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, and others.
- Nexis UniFormerly LexisNexis Academic. Dates vary. International and U.S. newspapers, ethnic and regional news sources, magazines, wire services, newsletters, trade journals, company and industry analyst reports, and broadcast transcripts. Ads, obituaries, graphics typically not included. To access the source directory, click the main "Sources" tab from any page, or click the "More Sources" link from a Search form. The Wisconsin State Journal, 1992–to date; and The Capital Times, 1992–to date.
- Universal Databases (East View)A collection of various electronic resources marketed by Eastview, including Russian newspapers.
Newspapers in Print
Current issues of U.S., Canadian newspapers, and international newspapers are available in the Current Periodicals and Newspaper Room, Memorial Library, Room 240 (Where is it?). Issues of U.S. and Canadian newspapers are generally kept for only one week, and issues of international newspapers are generally kept for only 3 months.
Current Periodicals and Newspapers Room staff maintains several paper lists of journals and newspapers to help users of the room locate what they need. Some of those lists are:
- Alphabetical list of journals and newspapers
- Journals and newspapers by country of publication
- Journals and newspapers by primary language
Please note that these lists are only updated once a semester so while they can be helpful, the most up to date information will always be found in Library Catalog.
Historical International Newspapers Collections Online
- 17th and 18th Century Burney Collection NewspapersNewspapers, pamphlets, and books gathered by Reverend Charles Burney (1757–1817) represent the largest and most comprehensive collection of early English news media. Almost 1 million pages, approximately 1,270 titles.
- African Newspapers (1800s–1900s)40 searchable African newspapers covering the period from 1800 to 1922. Coverage is largely of English-language papers but a few in African languages are also included.
- British Library NewspapersSearchable archive of 50 newspapers originating in England, Scotland and Ireland selected by an editorial board from the British Library.. Most comprehensive digital collection of national and regional newspapers in Victorian Britain ever made available. “19th Century British Library Newspapers Collection and the 17th” and “18th Century Burney Collection Newspapers” under a unified platform called British Library Newspapers.
- Caribbean Newspaper Digital Library (CNDL)CNDL provides access to digitized versions of Caribbean newspapers, gazettes, and other research materials on newsprint currently held in archives, libraries, and private collections.
- Eighteenth Century Journals: A Portal to Newspapers and Periodicals, c1685–1815Selected digitized English-language scholarly journals and newspapers from the years 1699–1812 including 76 journals at Oxford U.'s Bodleian Library and 70 journals and newspapers at the U. of Texas, Austin's Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center.
- Foreign Broadcast Information Service (FBIS) Daily ReportsIts original mission was centered on radio and press agency monitoring and translation. But in 1967, FBIS' mission was expanded to include foreign mass media whether it was conveyed by radio, television, or print.
- Historical Jewish PressFrom the the National Library of Israel, Tel Aviv University, and the David and Fela Shapell Family Digitization Project, the aim of this site is to provide open access to images of the major titles of the early Hebrew press (19th and early 20th century). The site itself is entirely in Hebrew. These newspapers contain a wealth of primary material on Diaspora and Land of Israel history of the period.
- Illustrated London News Historical Archive, 1842–2003Digital access to the entire run of the Illustrated London News from its first publication on 14 May 1842 to its last in 2003. Each page has been digitally reproduced in full colour and every article and caption is full-text searchable with hit-term highlighting and links to corresponding illustrations.
- Irish Newspaper ArchivesIrish newspapers from 1763 to the present, in a fully-searchable format that includes images of the actual newspaper.
- Kikuzo II – Asahi Shinbun DatabaseThis database contains five separate sections: 1. Asahi Shinbun, Shukan Asahi, and AERA: full-text database (1984 to the present) 2. Asahi Shinbun Shukusatsuban: newspaper-page database (1879–1989) 3. Chie-zo: dictionary of contemporary terms 4. Jinbutsu: Who's Who 5. Rekishi Shashin: historical photo archive (1930s–1945). (Updated daily).
- Latin American Newspapers (1805–1922) (Readex)Historical newspapers from Latin America
- Universal Databases (East View)A collection of various electronic resources marketed by Eastview, including Russian newspapers.
- World News ConnectionWorld News Connection consists of English-language transcriptions generated from government monitoring of selected non-U.S. broadcasts, web postings, newspapers, wire services, and other news sources from hundreds of countries for national security purposes. The articles are translated into English, although there are some cases where part of the content appears in the original language. Generally the articles are presented as full text; a small number are noted as excerpted. The types of sources range from print reporting to news agency bulletins to broadcast transcripts. A sample of listings indicates the broad range: Colombia (Caracol Colombia Radio, Caracol Television, El Espectador, El Pais) and Cyprus (CyBC Television 1, CyBC Radio 1, Cyprus Mail, Cyprus News Agency, Kibris Gazetesi, Volkan Gazetesi). There is some partial overlap in years in CD-ROM format. The CD-ROM version of FBIS (1996–2004) exists on multiple discs in Memorial Library Reference Department and must be used one at a time. Its years of coverage are not as extensive as the WNC Archive, but the FBIS discs do have some additional content, due to copyright restrictions on WNC.November 1, 1995–December 31, 2013
On this Page
This page provides links to licensed databases for content from international newspapers.
Also provided are links to sites with listings of Web sites for current international newspapers.
For information about international newspaper titles available in print and on microfilm, search the Library Catalog.
This page also includes information about finding international newspapers at other institutions.
Current Periodicals & Newspaper Room
The Current Periodicals and Newspaper Room is Room 240 of Memorial Library (Where is it?).
Current issues of U.S. and Canadian newspapers and international newspapers are available there. Issues of U.S. and Canadian newspapers are generally kept for only one week, and issues of international newspapers are generally kept for only 3 months.
Staff are available to provide assistance during Memorial Library hours.