Newspapers : Wisconsin
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Online Sources for Wisconsin Newspapers
- Archive of Wisconsin NewspapersA collection of more than 200 daily and weekly Wisconsin newspapers. Newspapers are searchable and are included cover to cover in PDF format, starting in 2005 to the present, with an embargo delay of 60 days. Titles include the Wisconsin State Journal, Capital Times, Badger Herald, Daily Cardinal, Isthmus, and Madison Times, among others. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel is not included. A service of the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.
- FactivaDates vary.
A source for business and financial news. Provides access to almost 9000 business, trade, and general publications, including same day, full text access to the Wall Street Journal, Barron's, New York Times, Los Angeles Times and Washington Post. - - WisconsinWisconsin historical newspapers archive from the 1800s–2000s containing thousands of well-known regional, state, and small local newspapers from around Wisconsin. (Updates vary)
- Library Edition World CollectionFull-text of local newspapers from the United States, including Wisconsin, dating from the 1700s to the 2000s. Limited additional coverage of local newspapers from other countries.
- Newspaper Source Plus1,520 full-text newspapers. Provides more than 28 million full-text articles. Includes the Wisconsin State Journal, 1997-.
- Wisconsin Newspapers (Newslink)Directory of Wisconsin newspapers.
Current Newspapers in Print
Current issues of U.S., Canadian, and international newspapers are available in the Current Periodicals and Newspaper Room, Memorial Library, Room 240 (Where is it?). Issues of U.S. and Canadian newspapers are generally kept for only one week, and issues of international newspapers are generally kept for only 3 months.
Current Periodicals and Newspapers Room staff maintains several paper lists of journals and newspapers to help users of the room locate what they need. Some of those lists are:
- Alphabetical list of journals and newspapers
- Journals and newspapers by country of publication
- Journals and newspapers by primary language
Please note that these lists are only updated once a semester so while they can be helpful, the most up to date information will always be found in Library Catalog.
Current issues of U.S. and Wisconsin newspapers are also available in the Journalism Reading Room, 2130 Vilas Hall.
Current and historical newspapers are also available at the Wisconsin Historical Society Library.
Wisconsin Historical Society Library Newspapers Collections
The Society Library owns 11,740 bound volumes, 100,000 reels of microfilm, and 17,000 sheets of microprint spanning three centuries of American newspaper history. Particular strengths include Wisconsin newspapers, colonial and early American newspapers west of the Appalachians, and the largest collection of labor and trade union papers in the nation.
The Library's holdings of 1960s "underground" or alternative newspapers are also extensive. Other areas of the collection that have attained national importance are Native American and African-American newspapers. Among rarities in the newspaper collection are the first African-American and Native American newspapers and the first Bohemian, Dutch, Norwegian, and Spanish language newspapers published in the United States.
To discover if the library owns a particular title search the Library Catalog Also see Library Catalog Search on this page.
More information about the Newspaper Collection at the Wisconsin Historical Society Library.
On this Page
This page provides links to licensed databases for the full text of current and back issues of Wisconsin newspapers.
It also provides links to current sites for aggregated news sources and dailies.
In addition, there is information about places for Wisconsin newspapers in the libraries including the Current Periodicals and Newspaper Room and the Journalism Reading Room, and Wisconsin Historical Society Library.
Search the Library Catalog for holdings in campus libraries.
Current Periodicals & Newspaper Room
The Current Periodicals and Newspaper Room is Room 240 of Memorial Library (Where is it?).
Current issues of U.S. and Canadian newspapers and international newspapers are available there. Issues of U.S. and Canadian newspapers are generally kept for only one week, and issues of international newspapers are generally kept for only 3 months.
Staff are available to provide assistance during Memorial Library hours.