Community Gardening and Urban Agriculture : Home
Welcome and Introduction
Discover campus and community resources for cultivating the art and science of gardening and urban agriculture! This guide has been created to bring together selected resources that speak to community gardening and urban agriculture--within the larger, interdisciplinary research interests that are food sovereignty, food systems and food security.
Topics of special interest within this guide also include: school gardening, horticultural therapy, as well as gardening for particular design or intent (such as gardening to attract pollinators or to filter runoff).
While the concerns of this guide have far-reaching implications, it has been the intent (primarily) to identify and to link to programs, projects, and educational tools from within our "neighborhood"--our institution, Wisconsin and the Midwest.
Limerickettsia: A Plant Pathologist's Book of Verse
"Plant diseases are all around us, often wreaking havoc on our favorite plants. And yet, plant diseases can be intriguing, fascinating, and often beautiful as well. Limerickettsia: A Plant Pathologist’s Book of Verse explores over 50 plant diseases using a combination of whimsical limericks, prose descriptions, photographs and original artwork. Learn about what plant diseases look like, the organisms that cause plant diseases, tips on plant disease management, and for certain diseases, their historical impact."
Proceeds from the sales of the book support the work of the Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic. To learn more and to place an order, please visit the PDDC's site for the book.
Farm Fresh Atlas
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Agriculture, Geology, & Environmental Sciences Team | Science & Engineering Libraries
Lisa Abler | Steenbock Library
Karen Dunn | Steenbock Library
Marie Dvorzak | Geology Library
Heather Shimon | Steenbock Library