Have you checked the Nursing Student page? Many answers to your UW-SoN specific questions can be found there.
Find a Peer Reviewed article?
Peer reviewed articles can be found in many heath science databases. In CINAHL or PsycInfo, within the limits prior to your search, choose "Peer review". Or, you can look at the abstract and under "Journal subset" or Publication type" lit will list if it is peer reviewed, PubMed cannot limit a search to peer-reviewed journals. Most journals indexed for PubMed are peer-reviewed or refereed, but peer review criteria and reviewer/referee qualifications vary. Ask A Librarian if you still are having trouble.
Cite a Cochrane Review in APA 6th?
The name of the Cochrane database is formatted like a journal publication. The names of the reviewers are listed in the author field. The year that the review was updated is formatted as the volume number. For example:
Furlan, A. D., van Tulder, M. W., Cherkin, D., Tsukayama, H., Lao, L., Koes, B. W., & Berman, B. M. J. (2010). Acupuncture and dry-needling for low back pain [Amended review]. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2011(2), 1-136. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001351.pub2
Request an article?
To request an article that is not immediately available electronically. Use "Find It." To learn how to use "Find It," watch our video.
I received an email saying my article was delivered to my account. Now what?
To retrieve an article requested via "Find It", watch this video.
Get a book/video/CD Ebling Library does not have?
First check with the library catalog and expand your search to the UW System. If another UW Library has the item, choose the "place a request" button on the right. Log in with your Net ID and place the request and choose what library it will be delivered to. Once the item has been delivered, you will receive and email stating it is ready to be picked up.
You can also use the campus libraries' Article & Book Delivery service if you know the title and/or author of an article/book/CD/etc.
Can you recommend a citation manager?
Choosing a citation manager is a decision you will have to make. Depending on the needs for your research, you may find a web-based citation manager is adequate, or you may need something more robust. Take a library workshop to test drive a citation manager to see if it works for you. Look at this comparison chart to narrow your options.
Do I have to return my books to renew them?
Usually you can use your library account to check on and renew books you have checked out, as well as find out the status of recalls, and fine or fee information and more. Log in at the My Library Catalog Account page with your UW-Madison ID NetID and password. If the system will not let you renew the item, contact us to help you with the problem. 608-262-2020
How do I get into the library after hours?
Students with HSLC entry permissions on their WisCard or badge may enter the library using the library's front door badge reader. See the Study Hall Hours FAQ for more details about access and eligibility.
Can you help me write an article/paper/dissertation?
We would rather leave this task to the great folks at the UW Writing Center.
Can you help me choose a journal to publish in?
Yes, we can give you some suggestions. Visit the individual journal web pages or journals in the specific field and read the "Aims & Scope" to find out about the type of papers that the journal accepts.
Some questions you might wish to consider are: