care [kār]
the services rendered by members of the health professions for the benefit of a patient. See also treatment.
admission care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as facilitating entry of a patient into a health care facility.
adult day care a health care service provided for adults with a disability or illness who need partial or supplemental care and companionship during the day, when family members are working or otherwise unable to stay at home with a disabled relative. Among the services that may be offered at an adult day care center are nursing services (e.g., medication administration and health monitoring); nutritional and health education, health counseling; physical, speech, and occupational therapy; and socialization.
ambulatory care health services or acute care services that are provided on an outpatient basis.
amputation care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the promotion of physical and psychological healing after
amputation of a body part.
bed rest care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as promotion of comfort and safety and prevention of complications for a patient unable to get out of bed. See also
bed rest.
bladder care activities and interventions designed to maintain urinary
bladder function, including bladder retraining,
catheter change, and catheter irrigation.
bowel care activities and interventions designed to maintain
bowel function, including
enema, bowel training, diet, and medication.
bowel incontinence care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as promotion of bowel continence and maintenance of
perianal skin integrity.
bowel incontinence care: encopresis in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as promotion of bowel continence in children.
cardiac care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the limitation of complications resulting from an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand for a patient with symptoms of impaired cardiac function.
cardiac care: acute in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the limitation of complications for a patient recently experiencing an episode of an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand resulting in impaired cardiac function.
cardiac care: rehabilitative in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the promotion of maximal functional activity level for a patient who has suffered an episode of impaired cardiac functon which resulted from an imbalance between myocardial oxygen supply and demand.
cast care activities and interventions designed to protect and maintain an immobilized body part, including relief of pain, pressure or constriction of circulation. See also
hazards of immobility.
cast care: maintenance in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as care of a cast after the drying period.
cast care: wet in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as care of a new cast during the drying period.
cesarean section care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the preparation and support of a patient delivering a baby by
cesarean section.
circulatory care: arterial insuficiency in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as promotion of arterial circulation.
circulatory care: mechanical assist device in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as temporary support of the circulation through the use of mechanical devices or pumps.
circulatory care: venous insufficiency in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as promotion of venous circulation.
contact lens care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the prevention of eye injury and lens damage by proper use of contact lenses.
continuing care the level of care in the
health care system that consists of ongoing care of the physically handicapped, mentally retarded, emotionally retarded, and those suffering from chronic incapacitating illness.
cord care specialized care of the remnants of a newborn's
umbilical cord until it falls off, consisting of cleaning and precautions to prevent infection. Cleansing protocols continue until the site is completely healed.
culture-specific care those assistive, supportive, or facilitative acts toward or for an individual or group with evident or anticipated needs that are congruent with the values and lifestyles of an individual, family, or group of a specific culture, as used in the
cultural care diversity and universality theory.
day care/respite in the
omaha system, the providing by an individual or institution of supervision for a dependent child or adult in the abscence of the usual caregiver or parent.
developmental care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as structuring the environment and providing care in response to the behavioral cues and states of the preterm infant.
direct care the provision of services to a patient that require some degree of interaction between the patient and the health care provider. Examples include assessment, performing procedures, teaching, and implementation of a care plan.
dying care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as promotion of physical comfort and psychological peace in the final phase of life. See also
ear care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as prevention or minimization of threats to ear or hearing.
embolus care: peripheral in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as limitation of complications for a patient experiencing, or at risk for, occlusion of peripheral circulation. See also
embolus care: pulmonary in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as limitation of complications for a patient experiencing, or at risk for, occlusion of pulmonary circulation. See also
emergency care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as providing life-saving measures in life-threatening situations. See also
episodic care interventions aimed at patient cure or restoration to previous level of functioning.
eye care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the prevention or minimization of threats to eye or visual integrity.
family-centered maternity care a pattern of caring for infants and their families used by Health and Welfare Canada. It is characterized by a great deal of flexibility and parental choice, and health care professionals are encouraged to individualize care. Breast feeding and rooming in are encouraged and grandparent and sibling visits are permitted.
foot care see foot care.
hair care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the promotion of neat, clean, and attractive hair.
high-risk pregnancy care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as identification and management of a high-risk pregnancy to promote healthy outcomes for mother and baby.
incision site care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as cleansing, monitoring, and promotion of healing in a wound that is closed with sutures, clips, or staples.
indirect care services that are related to patient care but do not require interaction between the health care provider and the patient. Examples include charting and scheduling.
infant care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the provision of developmentally appropriate family-centered care to the child under one year of age.
intrapartal care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as the monitoring and management of stages one and two of the birth process. See
intrapartal care: high-risk delivery in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as assisting vaginal birth of multiple or malpositioned fetuses.
kangaroo care in the
nursing interventions classification, a
nursing intervention defined as promoting closeness between parent and physiologically stable preterm infant by preparing the parent and providing the environment for skin-to-skin contact.