United States Government: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Constitutional Amendments
- Writing, Citing, & Research Help
- Constitutional Amendments
- Executive Branch/The President
- Judicial Branch
- Legislative Branch
- Military Service
- Newspaper Source PlusNewspaper Source Plus includes 1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles.
- Newspaper Research GuideThis guide describes sources for current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microfilm through the UW-Madison Libraries. These sources are categorized by pages: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International.
- National Constituional CenterThe National Constitution Center is the first and only institution in America established by Congress to disseminate information about the United States Constitution on a non-partisan basis in order to increase the awareness and understanding of the Constitution among the American people.
About Constitutional Amendments
This guide provides introductory resources for those interested in the history of Constitutional amendments.
Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: Constitutional Amendments AND United States, Constitutional Amendments AND Federal, Constitutional Amendments AND Supreme Court, Constitutional Amendments AND Civil Rights, Constitutional Amendments AND Article Five OR Article V, Constitutional Amendments AND Judicial Review, Amendments AND Constitutional Law, Constitutional Amendments AND Originalism OR Textualism.
Overview Resources - Background Information
- Opposing Viewpoints in Context(OVRC) provides viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles related to controversial social issues.
- CQ ResearcherContains weekly in-depth reports that cover the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insight into all sides of the issues, bibliographies and more.
The Constitution in Jeopardy by Russ Feingold; Peter Prindiville
Call Number: KF4541 .F45 2022ISBN: 9781541701526Publication Date: 2022-08-30A Companion to the United States Constitution and Its Amendments by John R. Vile
Call Number: KF4550 .V55 2015ISBN: 9781440835605Publication Date: 2017-02-24The Odd Clauses: Understanding the Constitution Through Ten of its Most Curious Provisions by Jay Wexler
Call Number: KF4550 W465 2011ISBN: 9780807000908Publication Date: 2011-11-01Living Originalism by Jack M. Balkin
Call Number: KF4552 B35 2011 or ebookISBN: 9780674061781Publication Date: 2011-11-29The Annotated U. S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence by Jack N. Rakove
Call Number: KF4527 A56 2009 or ebookISBN: 9780674036062Publication Date: 2009-11-30A More Perfect Constitution: Why the Constitution Must Be Revised: Ideas to Inspire a New Generation by Larry J. Sabato
Call Number: KF4550 S18 2008ISBN: 9780802716835Publication Date: 2008-09-15
Articles - Scholarly and Popular
- Academic SearchAcademic Search Premier is a multidisciplinary database that provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including approximately 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. A total of 8,500 journals are indexed and abstracted.
- Index to Legal Periodicals and Books Full TextThe Index to Legal Periodicals Full Text indexes legal periodicals, court decisions, legislation and more. Full text coverage for selected periodicals is also available.
- PAIS (Public Affairs)Public Affairs Information Service covers public policy, social policy, and the social sciences in general.
- Hein Online (Law)Full-text legal periodicals, historical texts, foreign & international materials, and primary legal materials in PDF, including the Federal Register, U.S. Statutes at Large, U.S. Reports & attorney general opinions, state session laws, and more. (Updated daily)
- Lexis NexisAccess to articles from newspapers, magazines, ethnic and regional news sources, trade journals and more. Year of coverage may vary, but many sources begin with the late 1980's.
- Statistical Abstract of the USThe authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic organization of the United States. Sources of data include the Census Bureau, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Bureau of Economic Analysis, and many other Federal agencies and private organizations