Spanish Linguistics : Articles & Books
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Celestina AND (tema? OR critica?)
Fernando de Rojas AND “Celestina”
“Teatro” AND "comedia" AND Spain
"social aspects" AND “Spanish literature”
Spanish AND "clitic placement"
- Boletín de la Real Academia EspañolaSince 1914, this extensive periodical has been dedicated to Spanish philology, linguistics, and literature.
- BorealisDiscusses research in all areas of contemporary Hispanic linguistics, including unresolved issues about the Spanish language. Publishes articles on both theoretical and applied linguistics about all varieties of Spanish.
- Catalan Journal of LingusiticsPublishes research on the structure of particular languages from the wider perspective of a general theory of the human language.
- Estudios de SociolingüísticaThis journal specializes in sociolinguistic research and welcomes contributions from an array of perspectives within the field.
- GlossaDevoted to the study of general linguistics, the journal publishes submissions from all areas of linguistics, provided they have theoretical implications that provide insight into the nature of language.
- HispaniaThis journal primarily publishes research in the areas of Spanish and Portuguese applied linguistics and pedagogy.
- IsoglossDedicated to analyzing Romance and Iberian language variation from a comparative perspective. Accepts contributions from different approaches, either theoretically or descriptively oriented, that advance understanding of such varieties.
- Journal of LinguisticsPublishes submissions that contribute to current debate in all areas of theoretical linguistics.
- Journal of PhoneticsThis journal publishes research on phonetics, whether experimental or theoretical in nature.
- Journal of the International Phonetic AssociationThis journal publishes submissions on both laboratory phonetics and practical applications. Many articles are dedicated to the application of the International Phonetic Alphabet to world languages.
- LanguageBroad in scope, this journal publishes scholarship on the core areas of linguistics (e.g., phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics).
- Language Variation and ChangeThis journal publishes research on language variation and change in social context.
- LinguaAccepts submissions from all linguistic disciplines, including general linguistics (i.e. phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics) and other areas (e.g., philosophy of language, rhetoric, historical linguistics, pragmatics, sociolinguistics, linguistic anthropology, cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics).
- Linguistic InquiryThis journal publishes research on current issues in linguistics and offers significant contributions in the area of syntax.
- The Linguistic ReviewPublishes articles on phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics within the framework of generative grammar and related disciplines.
- The Modern Language JournalThis journal offers scholarship on second language acquisition and pedagogy. Not limited to Spanish and Portuguese.
- Natural Language and Linguistic TheoryThis journal actively seeks to bridge the gap between descriptive work and theoretical work that is less empirically oriented in nature. Includes generative studies on the syntax, semantics, phonology, morphology, and other aspects of natural language.
- Nueva Revista de Filología HispánicaThis journal publishes research on Hispanic linguistics and Spanish and Latin American literatures.
- PhonologyThis is the only journal dedicated to research in all areas of phonology, including all theories and applications.
- ProbusPublishes dichronic and synchronic research in Romance linguistics, with special attention given to phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and language acquisition.
- Revista de Filología EspañolaEstablished by Ramón Menéndez Pidal, this long-running journal publishes articles on Hispanic linguistics and literature.
- Revista Española de LingüísticaPublishes articles on all aspects of natural languages, though it favors studies of formal aspects of Spanish.
- Revista Internacional de Lingüística IberoamericanaThis journal publishes research on Hispanic linguistics. Each volume is dedicated to different thematic content.
- Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone LinguisticsOffers linguistic analyses of Hispanic and/or Lusophone languages (e.g., Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Galician, Spanish- and Portuguese-based creoles).
- Studies in Second Language AcquisitionThis journal publishes scholarship on the acquisition of non-native and heritage languages.
- SyntaxThis journal is dedicated to the syntactic study of natural languages and related areas of study.
- VerbaDevoted to the study of grammar, phonology, lexicon, critical editing, linguistic theory, and pragmatics. Articles are written in Galician, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, French, Italian, English, and German.
Book Series and Collections
- Akal - LingüísticaFeatures a collection of texts covering diverse topics in the discipline of linguistics.
- Arco LibrosFeatures workbooks to practice concepts from different aspects of the Spanish language (e.g., morphosyntax, orthography, lexicon, etc.).
- Cascadilla Proceedings ProjectProvides access to papers presented at a number of selected conferences on linguistics.
- Issues in Hispanic and Lusophone LinguisticsFeatures research on all varieties of Iberian Romance (e.g., Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Catalan, etc.) and their coexistence with other (non-)Romance languages. Accepts submissions on syntax, semantics, morphology, phonology, pragmatics, as well as psycholinguistics, language acquisition, historical linguistics, applied linguistics, and sociolinguistics.
- IVITRA Research in Linguistics and Literature | Studies, Editions and TranslationsIncludes research on literary, linguistic, and historical-cultural topics, and on the history of literature and translation, especially relating to the Crown of Aragon in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.
- Romance Languages and Linguistic TheoryFeatures research in the areas of syntax, morphology, phonology, and semantics of Romance languages.
- Visor Libros - Gramática del EspañolFeatures a collection of texts consisting of thorough studies of complex Spanish grammar topics.
- Academic Search (EBSCO)Academic Search Premier is a multidisciplinary database that provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including approximately 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. A total of 8,500 journals are indexed and abstracted. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for over 100 journals and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles. This resource is licensed by BadgerLink/Department of Public Instruction for use by all Wisconsin residents. (Updated daily)
- Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (BLLDB)Provides access to articles, books, and dissertations in many areas of linguistics, from 1971 to present.
- Biblioteca Digital Hispánica (BNE)The Biblioteca Digital Hispánica offers a collection of electronic sources ranging from art, astronomy, biology, botany, civil war propaganda, culture, linguistics, literature, etc.
- Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio BibliográficoProvides access to the digital facsimiles of hundreds of manuscript collections and rare books from Spain.
- DialnetThis is a virtual library of Spanish academic journals, hosted by the Universidad de la Rioja in Spain. Primarily a bibliographic index with tables of contents, it covers more than 5,000 journals and 2.1 million documents. There is a growing number of full-text articles available as content is continually updated. Subjects covered include the sciences, social sciences, and the humanities and arts. It is particularly useful for subjects related to Spain, such as history and Islamic studies, not well covered by other popular databases. English language search is available. Coverage is 1980 to present.
- Digitalia HispánicaContains journal articles on humanities and social sciences from Spain and Latin America.
- Historical Abstracts (EBSCO)Historical Abstracts indexes and abstracts information in world history and the related social sciences and humanities, excluding the U.S. and Canada. (See America: History and Life for U.S. and Canadian coverage.) Links to full-text articles are included when available. It lists articles covering the years 1450 to the present, including more than 2600 periodicals published in 90 countries in 40 languages. Collections of essays, conference papers, dissertations, and books are also included. (Updated monthly)
- JSTORProvides image and full-text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics, and other fields of the humanities and social sciences. Consult the online tables of contents for holdings, as coverage varies for each title.
- Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)All aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics. Complete coverage of various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical, and geographical linguistics. Abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from 1,500+ serial publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, and dissertations.
- MLA International BibliographyOver 2.1 million citations of journal articles, books, and dissertations. Subjects covered include literature, language and linguistics, folklore, literary theory and criticism, and dramatic arts.
- Project MuseProject Muse provides full-text access to more than 300 humanities and social science journals from various publishers. Disciplines covered include art, anthropology, literature, film, theatre, history, ethnic and cultural studies, music, philosophy, religion, psychology, sociology and women's studies. Coverage for most titles includes the most current issue; however, some titles are archival (not current).
- ScopusThis is the largest multidisciplinary abstract and citation database of academic, peer-reviewed literature. It covers arts and humanities, medicine, science, social sciences, and technology.
- Web of ScienceProvides access to articles in Arts & Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences. Searches by topic, author, and publication name. Contains more than 12,000 journals.
Articles Search
Search for magazine, newspaper and scholarly articles
- Find Articles by CitationLocate journals and articles when you have a citation. For example:
Blas Arroyo, J. L. (2008). The variable expression of future tense in Peninsular Spanish: the present (and future) of inflectional forms in the Spanish spoken in a bilingual region. Language Variation and Change, 20 (1), 85-126.
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