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Information for Federal Depository Library Staff in Wisconsin : Tools for federal depository library staff

Links to state and federal resources of use to Federal Depository Library staff at Wisconsin libraries.

FDLP Data Manager

FDLP Data Manager (FDM) is "A web-based data warehousing and data mining tool, FDM assists depository libraries in processing, cataloging, and development of their FDLP collection." (From the FDLP Data Manager Help page, accessed 6/20/24)  With this tool, you can

  • Review what has shipped to depositories dating back to 1997.
  • Review the List of Classes, including library selection profiles with complete title, SuDoc, format, and item number information.
  • Download MARC records, including custom catalog record sets based on library item selection profiles.

You do have to create an FDM account to use the tool.  Instructions for creating an account are on the Help page for FDM.

FDM's Help page has lots of good information! 

The FDM is based on the Documents Data Miner, created and maintained by Nan Myers, former Depository Library Coordinator, and John Ellis, former Manager of Internet Applications for University Computing, at Wichita State University. 

GPO Site for Staff at Federal Depository Libraries

Federal Depository Library Logo

FDLP Desktop

The go-to website for depository library staff, published by the Government Publishing Office. It has all kinds of important tools, including, but not limited to:

Legal Requirements & Guidance

Legal Requirements/Regulations

In the second paragraph of the Regulations page, there's a link to download the PDF document Legal Requirements & Program Regulations of the Federal Depository Library Program. This is where to start when you have questions relating to the fundamentals of the program.


  • Contains advice on how to comply with the FDLP regulations.
  • Based on broad topics and articles may reference multiple regulations.
  • Part of the FDLP Desktop

Contact Us (AKA Ask GPO)

  • Go here to submit a question about any aspect of depository operations.
  • You can search previously submitted and answered questions by using the search box on the right side of the page.

Cataloging & Processing

Learning SuDocs Call Numbers

  • Tutorial, from the Michigan State University Libraries Government Documents collection, designed to teach staff and student workers the SuDocs classification or call number system
  • Contains brief overviews of the SuDocs system, and links to more detailed explanations
  • Also contains an interactive quiz and shelving exercises

Cataloging Toolbox for U.S. Federal Government Information

Produced and maintained by the GODORT Cataloging Committee

GPO Cataloging Guidelines

From GPO; part of the FDLP Desktop

WebTech Notes

  • Users can search, browse, and view updates to SuDocs classification numbers and List of Classes information as they are made by GPO staff on a real-time basis
  • From GPO; part of the FDLP Desktop

Weeding and Discarding

FDL Discard Procedure for Wisconsin


GPO Guidelines for Weeding a Depository Collection

  • Part of the FDLP Desktop.
  • Among other topics, it covers the three ways depository material qualifies to be weeded from your collection.

Tools for New Depository Staff

FDLP Quickstart Guide


Depository Operations Training Series (DOTS)

  • Long-ish videos (15+ minutes) from the Government Publishing Office about many aspects of the FDLP. 
  • Some videos are very focused on processing tangible documents.  While few titles will be available in tangible format starting in 2024, the videos can be useful in dealing with older materials.
  • Posted on the Vimeo video platform.  You may need to register for a free Vimeo account.