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Information for Federal Depository Library Staff in Wisconsin : Federal Depository Contacts

Links to state and federal resources of use to Federal Depository Library staff at Wisconsin libraries.

Federal depository libraries in Wisconsin & beyond

The Government Publishing Office's Federal Depository Library Directory

  • You can browse a list of Wisconsin libraries (or federal depository libraries in any other state) by clicking the state on the map.
  • Once you have a list of libraries, click the depository library number next to any FDL to see more information about that depository.
  • Depository library coordinators can sign in (click "login" in the upper right portion of the page) to see even more information about depositories.

Regional serving Wisconsin federal depository libraries outside Milwaukee County

University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries

Home page       U.S. gov pubs research guide

Federal Depository Library regional coordinator: Beth Harper
Email Beth at or use this form
Memorial Library
728 State St
Madison WI 53706

Wisconsin Historical Society's role

The Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) Library, on the UW-Madison campus, and part of the UW-Madison Libraries system, plays a unique role in the FDLP in Wisconsin.

  • WHS houses one of the largest federal document collections in Wisconsin, second only to Milwaukee Public Library. It houses the largest collection of federal documents on the UW-Madison campus.
  • From 1962-2003, WHS was a regional depository library jointly with UW-Madison; UW-Madison took over administrative regional responsibilities in 2003. (Fun fact: WHS pioneered the concept of regional depository libraries!)
  • WHS's government publications from 1976 and later are included in the UW-Madison libraries' catalog.
  • Many of WHS's pre-1976 federal documents are not in the library catalog (and the collection goes back to Wisconsin's statehood in 1848, so that's a lot of documents!). The documents are recorded in a (non-public) shelf list, so its worth contacting WHS if you can’t find something you are looking for!

Regional serving Wisconsin federal depositories in Milwaukee County

Milwaukee Public Library

Home page      

Federal gov't documents page

Federal Depository Library coordinator: Matthew Arends

814 West Wisconsin Avenue
Milwaukee, WI 53233

What regional federal depository libraries do

Regional libraries in the FDLP...

  • Consult with selective federal depository libraries (FDLs) about weeding, substitutions, cataloging, selection, joining or leaving the FDLP, and other administrative topics
  • Foster communication between depository libraries and the Government Publishing Office (GPO)
  • Provide training to FDL staff on request
  • Oversee the discard process in their states
  • Retain at least one copy of every document distributed through the FDLP (with exceptions for superseded publications
  • Loan depository materials (with some exceptions), via interlibrary loan, to libraries in their states
  • Provide reference assistance to FDLs in their states


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