Internet and Online Culture: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Copyright/Intellectual Property
- Writing, Citing, & Research Help
- Artificial Intelligence
- Copyright/Intellectual Property
- Cybercrime
- Cyberbullying
- Net Neutrality
- Online Privacy
- Social Media
- Surveillance
- Video Games
- Newspaper Source PlusNewspaper Source Plus includes 1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles.
- Newspaper Research GuideThis guide describes sources for current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microfilm through the UW-Madison Libraries. These sources are categorized by pages: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International.
- Students for Free Culture"Students for Free Culture is an international chapter-based student organization that promotes the public interest in intellectual property and information & communications technology policy."
- American Intellectual Property Law AssociationThe American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) represents a wide and diverse spectrum of individuals, companies and institutions involved directly or indirectly in the practice of patent, trademark, copyright, and unfair competition law.
- American Library Association Office for Intellectual FreedomThe Office for Intellectual Freedom is charged with implementing ALA policies concerning the concept of intellectual freedom as embodied in the Library Bill of Rights, the Association’s basic policy on free access to libraries and library materials.
- Creative Commons"Creative Commons is a nonprofit organization that develops, supports, and stewards legal and technical infrastructure that maximizes digital creativity, sharing, and innovation."
- Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)The RIAA "works to protect intellectual property rights worldwide and the First Amendment rights of artists."
- U.S. Copyright OfficeThe U.S. Copyright Office Web site provides basic copyright information (law and legislation, how to register for copyright) and allows users to search copyright records.
About Copyright
This guide will assist you in finding information about intellectual property and copyright law. It also provides resources for researching copyright as it applies to the online entertainment industry, including the visual, audio and digital arts.
Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: peer-to-peer file sharing, music industry and lawsuit*, Napster and (lawsuit or trial* or litiga*), electronic (media or music) and piracy, litigation and digital music, webcasting and copyright, intellectual property and (law* or infringement), fair use and education*, copyright* and legislation*, Digital Millennium Copyright Act, The Pirate Bay and music streaming, and patent* and intellectual property.
Overview Resources - Background Information
- CQ ResearcherContains weekly in-depth reports that cover the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insight into all sides of the issues, bibliographies and more.
- Opposing Viewpoints Resource CenterOpposing Viewpoints Resource Center (OVRC) provides viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles related to controversial social issues.
- Columbia University Copyright Advisory OfficeProvides basic information about the fundamentals of copyright law and fair use. Includes a "Copyright Quickguide" and a podcast on copyright fundamentals.
- University of Minnesota Copyright Information and ResourcesProvides basic overview of copyright, including information specific to use of copyrighted materials in teaching, research and writing, multimedia use, and use by students.
- UW Madison Libraries Copyright Information PageOffers basic information about issues related to copyright law, including: exclusive rights of copyright, copyright duration, public domain, and copyright exemptions, including fair use.
The Right to Repair: Reclaiming the Things We Own by Aaron Perzanowski
Call Number: KF1874 .P47 2022 or ebookISBN: 1108931499Publication Date: 2022-04-30Owning the Sun: A People's History of Monopoly Medicine from Aspirin to COVID-19 Vaccines by Alexander Zaitchik
Call Number: KF3894.P3 Z35 2022ISBN: 9781640095069Publication Date: 2022-03-01Copyright's Excess by Glynn Lunney
Call Number: ML3790 .L8 2018 or ebookISBN: 1316632792Publication Date: 2018-04-12The Piracy Crusade: How the Music Industry's War on Sharing Destroys Markets and Erodes Civil Liberties by Aram Sinnreich
Call Number: K1450 S57 2013 or ebookISBN: 9781625340528Publication Date: 2013-12-11The Knockoff Economy: How Imitation Sparks Innovation by Kal Raustiala; Christopher Sprigman
Call Number: KF3080 R38 2012 or ebookISBN: 0195399781Publication Date: 2012-09-17Idea Rights: A Guide to Intellectual Property by Howard C. Anawalt
Call Number: KF2979 A745 2011ISBN: 9781594603136Publication Date: 2011-07-01
Articles - Scholarly and Popular
- Academic Search PremierIncludes scholarly and popular articles on many topics.
- Communication & Mass Media CompleteIncludes articles on communication topics.
- Music Periodicals DatabasesIncludes articles on analysis of scholarly music topics.
- PAIS- Public AffairsIncludes articles on government policy.
Statistics and Data
- Data Citation IndexThe Data Citation Index provides a single point of access to quality research data from repositories across disciplines and around the world. Through linked content and summary information, this data is displayed within the broader context of the scholarly research, enabling users to gain perspective that is lost when data sets or repositories are viewed in isolation.
- Copyright CriminalsAs hip-hop rose from the streets of New York to become a multibillion-dollar industry, artists such as Public Enemy and De La Soul began reusing portions of previously recorded music for their songs. But when record company lawyers got involved, everything changed. Years before people started downloading and remixing music, hip-hop sampling sparked a debate about copyright, creativity, and technological change that still rages today.
- RIP!: A Remix ManifestoImmerse yourself in the energetic, innovative and potentially illegal world of mash-up media with RiP: A Remix Manifesto. Let web activist Brett Gaylor and musician Greg Gillis, better known as Girl Talk, serve as your digital tour guides on a probing investigation into how culture builds upon culture in the information age.