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Evidence Synthesis, Systematic Review Services : Citation Management

Citation Managers

Citation managers are software tools that help you collect, organize, cite, and share references. You can use them to organize collections of PDFs and source citations into a personal library and to generate in-text citations and reference lists in writing software for your manuscript.  

We recommend using a citation manager as you collect, sort, and analyze the resources you identify for your literature review. EndNote (desktop edition) and Zotero are good options for evidence synthesis projects. 

Exporting Records

Once you have generated a search strategy and have translated it, as necessary, for each database you will be searching, you will:

  • Run the search in each database.
  • Export the results (citations and abstracts only) using the exporting choices of the database and/or as mediated by your citation manager (BibTeX, RIS, or XML...) and save files.
    • Note that you may need to export results in smaller sets given restrictions of the database.
  • Import files into your citation manager using its feature to do so .