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Science & Engineering Libraries
Science & Engineering Libraries
Email: AskSEL@library.wisc.edu
Libraries & Research
UW-Madison librarians provide support for all steps in your research process, from the planning stages through publication, archiving your output, and maximizing your scholarly impact.
Searching Databases
You can access databases from the library home page. Use the dropdown menu at the Catalog button to navigate to Databases. We subscribe to many databases that index scientific literature.
There are several ways to access databases:
1) Search by the title of the database (for example, 'PubMed')
2) Use the Browse by Subject/Type page to discover databases that index literature on your research topic
3) Visit the Top 10 Databases page to access commonly used databases.
The databases listed below are popular starting points for most science topics:
- Google ScholarAccessing Google Scholar (a free public resource) through our link will help you bypass paywalls.
- PubMedAccessing PubMed (a free public database) through our link will help you bypass paywalls.
- ScopusLarge, multidisciplinary database that covers science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Includes tools to track, analyze, and visualize research.
- Web of ScienceA collection of databases that index the world’s leading scholarly literature in the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities, as published in journals, conference proceedings, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions across the globe.
Research Support Spotlight
Here are a few research support services we think you'll find particularly helpful.
Research Data Services is an interdisciplinary organization that provides students and researchers with the tools and resources that support their efforts to store, analyze, and share data.
Explore grants and funding resources for your graduate research.
UW Libraries can help you find a citation manager that works for you! With citation managers, you can:
- create and organize a personal research database
- download citations from online databases
- Format bibliographies and citations in papers
- Share your citations with others
Research Support Site
The Libraries' Research Support page includes detailed information on the following services:
- Citation Managers
- Copyright
- Datasets
- Data Management Plans
- Digital Collection Proposals
- Digital Library Services
- Electronic Lab Notebooks
- Grant Compliance & Public Access
- Grants & Scholarship
- ORCID Author Identifiers & Profiles
- Patent & Trademark Services
- Research Data Services
- Research Metrics
- Research Proposals
Graduate Research: the Big Picture
Want to learn more about the research process on a graduate level and how UW Libraries can assist?
Take the Graduate Research Library Micro-Course
Micro-courses are short non-graded courses that you complete at your own pace. This micro-course introduces you to resources and services that can help you conduct your research efficiently, engage with scholarly conversations in your field, and share your contributions with the world.