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Science & Engineering Libraries
Science & Engineering Libraries
Email: AskSEL@library.wisc.edu
Libraries and Sharing
Just like we share information, we also sometimes share our physical spaces. Some space may not be physically located in libraries, but will offer library resources or services. This list is not exhaustive, but is geared more towards science and engineering students.
Resources and Services
Active learning classrooms: Technology-enhanced active learning classrooms are available in Wendt Commons (hosted by the Collaboratory for Engineering Education and Teaching Excellence) and College Library (hosted by the Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring).
Design Lab: DesignLab is a digital media design consultancy service for students at UW-Madison, located in College Library, with a satellite location in Steenbock Library . Through one-on-one or small group consultations, we help students work effectively in digital media. We focus on the conceptual, aesthetic, and overall design of projects for class assignments, student organizations, independent projects, and personal professional development.
Data Science Hub: The Data Science Hub in the Wisconsin Institute for Discovery collaborates closely with the Data Science Institute to provide data science training and implementation across campus.
BioCommons: The BioCommons is located at UW-Madison's Steenbock Memorial Library. The community space and its associated online resources are a joint Educational Innovation initiative of WISCIENCE and Steenbock Library. The BioCommons is a home base where undergraduates interested in the biological sciences can find information, events, opportunities, and services tailored to their unique needs and get help navigating the wide array of biology options at UW-Madison.
Makerspace: Part of the CoE ecosystem of fabrication facilities, which includes the Makerspace (rapid prototyping) and TEAM-Lab (precision machining, fee for service job-shop), and Visualization Suite (virtual reality and data visualization).. Students can build anything here: from micro to macro and from virtual to the physical.
DoIT InfoLabs: There are eighteen general access computer labs conveniently located across campus, many of them located in library spaces. The labs offer Internet access and word processing, design, spreadsheet, statistical and course-specific software. The labs also offer color printers, scanners and digital editing resources.
Writing Center: Help for undergraduate and graduate writers at any stage of the writing process.
GUTS: GUTS Drop-In tutors can be found at College Library and Steenbock Library. Tutors are typically scheduled for 2-hour shifts.