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Science & Engineering Libraries
Science & Engineering Libraries
Email: AskSEL@library.wisc.edu
Library Course Resources
The Libraries have several resources for instructors, including:
Course reserves: Physical materials, such as books, and online content, such as articles or book chapters, can be placed on reserve for your course. Physical materials can be placed on reserve at the library of your choice.
Course guides: Will your students be doing projects or papers that require them to use library resources? We can work with you to craft a course guide to introduce them to resources and information concepts that they can use for their research.
Course-related instruction: Librarians will provide customized instructional sessions to meet the learning goals of your course's research assignment. This can take place in a library or in your regular classroom.
Adding a Librarian to Canvas: Are you using the Canvas Learning Management System? If so, consider adding a Librarian to your course site for more efficient collaboration, and participation with your students.
Assignment Consultation: Well-designed, course-related library assignments are an effective way to introduce students to research. Librarians can consult on the information literacy goals of your assignment and make recommendations for ways to maximize the students' learning experiences.
Other Campus Instructional Support
Academic Technology: Division of Information Technology: DoIT Academic Technology advances the University’s mission, strategic priorities, and the Wisconsin Idea by wisely applying technology to current and future academic environments. Through collaboration and partnerships, with a commitment to service and innovation, we bridge technologies, people, and day-to-day work practices to enable 21st Century digital literacy, manage our resources, and evaluate our practices.
Bioscience Advising Team (BAT): BAT supports the advising and outreach efforts of all faculty and staff who serve undergraduates and prospective students interested in majors or careers in the biological sciences.
CEETE: The Collaborative for Engineering Education and Teaching Effectiveness, (pronounced “seat”) serves faculty, staff, graduate students, and administrators to foster effective student-centered teaching and learning within the College of Engineering (COE).
Center for Educational Opportunitiy (CeO): The Center for Educational Opportunity (CeO) is a diverse, multifaceted, federally and state-funded center that strives to create equal opportunities in higher education. CeO promotes access to resources, academic achievement and personal growth for students whose parents have not received a four-year degree, students who meet specific federal family income guidelines, and students with documented disabilities.
Delta: The Delta Program in Research, Teaching and Learning promotes the development of a future national faculty in the natural and social sciences, engineering, and mathematics that is committed to implementing and advancing effective teaching practices for diverse student audiences as part of their professional careers.
McBurney Disability Resource Center: The McBurney Disability Resource Center serves UW-Madison students with physical, learning, sensory, psychological and other disabilities substantially affecting a major life activity (e.g., walking, communicating, learning, seeing, breathing, etc.). Many students have non-apparent disabilities such as depression, anxiety, autism spectrum disorders, learning disabilities, AD/HD and health impairments such as Crohn's disease or fibromyalgia. The Center assists faculty and staff by verifying disabilities and identifying appropriate classroom accommodations, clarifying student and faculty roles and responsibilities; and providing information and training on disability issues.
Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards: The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards upholds every student’s right to learn in a community that is safe, and fosters integrity and accountability by guiding student behavior for the common good while respecting the rights and responsibilities of all members of the University community.
Office of Undergraduate Advising : The Office of Undergraduate Advising provides centralized coordination and resources for key functions for cross-campus undergraduate advising at UW-Madison, including training, technology, assessment, community-building, policy, and communication.
University Health Services-Mental Health: The UHS mental health providers offer an open, safe, and confidential environment to help students through issues that may interfere with their development, well-being, and academic productivity. 24-hour crisis services available
Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching: The Wisconsin Program for Scientific Teaching is a professional development program for graduate students and postdocs designed to improve teaching and mentoring in science.