Genomics : Articles
Manage your References
The libraries support several citation managers to help you capture, store and cite your references. See more information on Endnote, Zotero, Mendeley, and Papers see the libraries website.
Article Databases
The following databases index journal articles on genomics and related topics.
- Bacteriology Abstracts (Microbiology B)Bacteriology Abstracts indexes 429 journals covering bacteriology from its pure biochemistry and genetics aspects to its clinical and agricultural applications. (Updated monthly)
- Biological AbstractsThe Biological Abstracts database indexes over 4,000 journals annually and contains over 5 million records. Indexes materials from 1969 to the present. (updated every 2 months)
- Biotechnology Research AbstractsBiotechnology Research Abstracts The Biotechnology Research Abstracts database provides bibliographic coverage on biotechnology (medical, agricultural, and environmental) and bioengineering. (Updated monthly)
- PubMedPubMed provides free access to MEDLINE, a database of more than 11 million bibliographic citations and abstracts from nearly 4,500 journals in the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, pharmacy, allied health, health care systems, and pre-clinical sciences. It includes materials from 1950 to the present. (Updated daily)
- ScopusScopus is a multidisciplinary abstract and citation database that covers science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities.
- Web of Science (Web of Knowledge)Web of Science is a scientific citation indexing service maintained by Thomson Reuters that provides a comprehensive citation search. Indexes materials from 1970-present. (Updated weekly)
Please recommend additional databases for inclusion in this guide.
Get Full Text
Click the button or Find It at UW Madison link in most databases to:
- access online full text (when available)
- see if the journal is available in print (Library Catalog)
- request a free pdf of the article if full text is not available online (Request a Copy/Library Express)
If you already have a citation, use this Citation Search tool to search for your article.
Library proxy
The Library EZproxy for access to licensed resources includes a remote access bookmarklet you can add to your browser to identify yourself as a valid UW-Madison user and gain access to licensed content.