Some other terms that might be useful... 
- Database: An online resource that provides citations to journal, magazine and newspaper material. They often provide the actual article as well, which is called Full Text.
- Bibliographic citation (often simply called citation) consists of the author, title of article, title of newspaper, journal or magazine, volume and pages. This citation can be used in your paper's footnote, if you use the materials as evidence within your paper. The citation will link either to FindIT or to a PDF.
- FindIT will indicate an online full text version, or link you to the Library Catalog to see if the original journal or newspaper is on campus. You would then go to the library to get the material and scan or copy the article.
- Evidence: Sources that provide facts, background, and commentary on the person, theme or period you are studying. When you have a line of inquiry like, "The Role of Public Education in Stemming the Tide of Tuberculosis," newspaper articles that talk about a campaign in the schools to educate people regarding hygiene would be evidence for your study.
- Resources/Material: Generic terms librarians/historians use to describe all the books, journals, newspapers, databases, sheets of music, plays, and videos -- the stuff needed to write a research paper.
- The Library Catalog: The UW-Madison online library catalog. The Library Catalog is for primary and secondary books or journal and magazine titles in the UW system. The Library Catalog does not contain journal or magazine content. Databases (see above) may contain content.
- WorldCat: WorldCat links to books, journal and magazine titles in libraries all over the world. If the resource you need is not in the UW system, you can borrow it using interlibrary loan.