Spanish Golden Age Literature : Texts
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Tips for Searching
AND, OR, NOT (Keyword Boolean)
- Use AND, OR, NOT to combine search terms
- Use quotation marks to indicate phrases: "Divina Commedia"
- Use opening and closing parentheses to group search terms
- Use ? or * to truncate: donna? or donna* (will find singular and plural forms). Note that the use of truncation symbols vary in each database or catalog.
- There is no need to write with diacritics (accents, tildes, etc.)
Carvantes AND (tema? OR critica?)
Cervantes AND “Don Quijote”
“Teatro” AND "comedia" AND Spain
"social aspects" AND “Spanish literature”
Spanish AND "clitic placement"
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- Biblioteca Digital Hispanica (BNE)The Biblioteca Digital Hispánica offers a collection of electronic sources ranging from art, astronomy, biology, botany, civil war propaganda, culture, literature, etc.
Of particular interest will be:
- Cervantes: Collection within the Biblioteca Digital Hispanica (BNE) devoted to materials about and facsimiles of Cervantine works.
- Don Quijote Editions: Collection within the Biblioteca Digital Hispanica (BNE) devoted to facsimiles of various editions of Don Quijote.
- Golden Age Theater: Collection within the Biblioteca Digital Hispanica (BNE) devoted to facsimiles of Golden Age dramatic works.
- Hispanic Iconography: Collection within the Biblioteca Digital Hispanica (BNE) devoted to facsimiles of Hispanic iconography.
- Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de CervantesThe Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes offers a wide variety of electronic Spanish texts, which you can search for by title or author (the website is a little challenging to navigate).
- BNE- Teatro Español del Siglo de OroLa Biblioteca Nacional offers some of the most important resources on and archives of old Spanish theater. Its collection of manuscripts contains over 2,000 items from the Golden Age.
- CERL Portal : Manuscripts and Early Printed MaterialThe CERL Portal gives access to descriptions of manuscripts of all periods and early printed materials (up to 1830) in collections in Europe, the United States and Australia. The Portal searches these collections simultaneously and offers the search results grouped by library. The full display will offer you the most important details, but not the entire record. For the full records, please follow the link to the original database provided in each record. There you can make use of the more extensive search possibilities offered by the source database, which in many cases will include access to digitized images. The CERL Portal is an initiative of the Consortium of European Research Libraries.
- Europeana is a digital library containing 4 million items, including images, texts, audio and video, from European museums, galleries, libraries, archives and audio-visual collections.
- Ibero-American Electronic Text SeriesElectronic versions of works by important Ibero-American writers, such a Miguel de Cervantes, Hernan Cortes, Esteban Echevarria, Eugenio Maria de Hostos, and Juana Ines de la Cruz.
- PhilobiblonA free internet-based bio-bibliographical database of texts written in the various Romance vernaculars of the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages and the early Renaissance.
- Project GutenbergProject Gutenberg offers over 50,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
- Quijote InteractivoEl Quijote Interactivo is a project that creates an innovative approach to the first edition of Cervantes's masterwork, preserved in the Biblioteca Nacional de España.
- Teatro Español del Siglo de OroThis is a full text database containing more than 800 plays written by 16 dramatists from sixteenth and seventeenth century Spain. Each play is reproduced in full, including the "Preliminaries" which contain "aprobaciones", "censuras", and "privilegios." Can browse the complete list of dramas in the database and then select any work for display, starting at the beginning or going directly to a particular act and scene.
- World Digital LibraryUNESCO's World Digital Library (WDL) makes available on the Internet, free of charge and in multilingual format, significant primary materials from countries and cultures around the world.
- Corpus BIblia MedievalThe Corpus Biblia Medieval is an electronic source that allows you to access various versions of conserved medieval bibles as well as study facsimiles of the original texts.
- Archivo de Filología Española 1998-2007A selection of historical grammatical treatises that includes, among others, Nebrija's "Gramática de la lengua española" and Villena's "El arte de trovar".
- Digital Library of Old Spanish TextsThe Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies presents this online library of early Spanish texts. A full user guide is available on the website.
- Digital ScriptorumThe Digital Scriptorium is a growing image database of medieval and renaissance manuscripts that unites scattered resources from many institutions into an international tool for teaching and scholarly research.
Library Catalog
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Google Books
- Google Books (Advanced)Try Google Books to find books on your topic. Many titles in Google Books include a limited preview of the text that will help you decide whether you want to borrow a copy via the library. Some titles even include the complete text!
- WorldCatWorldCat is a catalog of more than 49 million books, serials, audiovisual media, maps, archives, manuscripts, scores, and computer files owned by more than 9,000 OCLC member libraries around the world, including UW-Madison and the Library of Congress. More than 400 languages are represented.