Spanish Golden Age Literature : Articles
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Cervantes AND “Don Quijote”
“Teatro” AND "comedia" AND Spain
"social aspects" AND “Spanish literature”
Spanish AND "clitic placement"
Tutorials to Search for Articles
Short tutorials to facilitate an article search. Videos included are
- Anales CervantinosFounded in 1951, Anales Cervantinos is published annually and offers scholarly publications devoted to the life, works, society and time of Miguel de Cervantes.Select "Free E-Journals" to take you directly to the website.
- Archivum (Oviedo)This journal of philology from the Department of Philosophy and and Letters from the University of Oviedo publishes primarily scholarship on language and literature.Select "Free E-Journals" to take you directly to the website.
- Bulletin HispaniqueThis journal offers scholarly publications on the language, literature and civilization or the history of Spain and all the countries of Spanish America.Select "Persee" to take you directly to the website.
- Bulletin of Spanish StudiesThis journal is devoted exclusively to the languages & literature of Spain, Portugal & Latin America.Select the option "EBSCOhost Humanities International Complete" to take you directly to the website.
- Bulletin of the ComediantesFounded in 1948 by Everett W. Hesse, the Bulletin of the Comediantes is published semiannually by the Comediantes, an international group of scholars interested in early modern Hispanic theater. The Bulletin welcomes articles and notes in Spanish and English dealing with 16th and 17th century peninsular and colonial Latin American drama.Select the option "ProQuest Research Library" to take you directly to the website.
- CelestinescaCelestinesca is a journal that publishes scholarly articles about La Celestina.Select "Free E-Journals" to take you directly to the website.
- Cervantes : bulletin of the Cervantes Society of AmericaCervantes, the official journal of the Cervantes Society of America, publishes scholarly articles in English and Spanish on Cervantes' life and works, reviews, and notes of interest to cervantistas.Select "Free E-Journals" to take you directly to the website.
- Criticón (Revista de Centro Virtual Cervantes)Criticón is one of the most prestigious magazines dedicated to the literature and civilization of the Spanish Golden Age. It has been publishing since 1978 under the patronage of the research group, LEMSO (Literatura Española Medieval y del Siglo de Oro/ Medieval and Golden Age Literature) from the University of Toulouse-Le Mirail.
- eHumanistaA peer-reviewed e-journal with articles on Spanish and Portuguese Medieval and Early Modern Literatures and Cultures.Select "Free E-Journals" to take you directly to the website.
- Hispania: revista española de historiaFounded in 1940, Hispania: Revista Española de Historia is a four-monthly publication dedicated to the study of medieval, early modern and contemporary societies.Select "Free E-Journals" to take you directly to the website.
- Hispanic ReviewThe Hispanic Review is a quarterly journal devoted to research in Hispanic literary and cultural studies. Published since 1933 by the Department of Romance Languages at the University of Pennsylvania, the journal features essays and book reviews on the diverse cultural manifestations of Spain and Latin America, from the medieval period to the present.Select the option "JSTOR" to take you directly to the website.
- HispanófilaThis journal contains articles written in any of the main Romance languages or English on a Spanish or Spanish American subject.
- Iberoamericana (Madrid, Spain)IBEROAMERICANA is an interdisciplinary journal for literary studies, history and the social sciences. It is jointly published by the Ibero-American Institute (Berlin), the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies (Hamburg) and the Iberoamericana/Vervuert publishing house (Madrid/Frankfurt am Main).Select "Free E-Journals" to take you directly to the website.
- MLA International BibliographyOver 2.1 million citations of journal articles, books, and dissertations. Subjects covered include literature, language and linguistics, folklore, literary theory and criticism, and dramatic arts.
- JSTORProvides image and full-text online access to back issues of selected scholarly journals in history, economics, political science, demography, mathematics and other fields of the humanities and social sciences. Consult the online tables of contents for holdings, as coverage varies for each title.
- Academic SearchAcademic Search Premier is a multidisciplinary database that provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including approximately 3,900 peer-reviewed titles. A total of 8,500 journals are indexed and abstracted. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for over 100 journals and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles. This resource is licensed by BadgerLink/Department of Public Instruction for use by all Wisconsin residents. (Updated daily)
- Aristoteles Latinus DatabaseThis is an ongoing digital edition of the corpus of medieval Greek-Latin translations of the works of Aristotle as published in the also ongoing printed series _Aristoteles Latinus_. The electronic database is not identical to the printed editions, as it does not contain the prefaces in which their manuscript traditions are described, nor does it include those editions' apparatus of variant readings, their Greek-Latin comparative apparatus, or their bilingual indexes. The specific utility of this electronic edition lies in the fact that it provides an integrated database of the medieval Latin translations of Aristotle's works. The electronic and the printed editions are thus intended to be complementary. (Updates vary)
- ArsTheatricaArsTheatrica provides access to scholarly texts and articles, full transcripts of dramatic works, images, recordings and other materials for those interested in early modern theater, with a particular focus on Golden Age Spanish theater.
- Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio BibliográficoProvides access to the digital facsimiles of hundreds of manuscript collections and and rare books from Spain.
- Centro Virtual CervantesThe CV is a site dedicated to the circulation of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture.
Of particular interest will be:
- Antología de la crítica sobre el Quijote en el siglo XX: Wide selection of major critical works published in the 20th century that treat the work of Cervantes.
- Calderón y la cultura europea: 16 critical philological analyses dedicated to the contributions of Pedro Calderón de la Barca to European culture.
- Cervantistas: Digitilization of the publication of the Association of Cervantistas, that offer critical articles on the life, work and time of Miguel de Cervantes.
- Clásicos hispánicos: Works of classical language in the Spanish language, in critical editions that offer extensive bibliographies of other useful works.
- El conjuro de los libros: Exhibition of books from the literary world of Cervantes, held in the National Library of Colombia.
- El Quijote en América: Collection of anthologies of prestigious essays that treat the reception of the Quijote in Latin America.
- España y Flandes bajo los reindos de Carlos V y Felipe II: Collection of critical studies on the relationship between the Hispanic kingdoms and the terrories of the 17 Provinces of the 16th century.
- Fortuna de España: A study of the Spanish book edited in Europe between the 15th and 17th centuries, analyzed from the point of view of language and the printing press.
- Quevedo y la crítica: Collection of essays from the 20th century dedicated to the reception and analysis of the satirical and romantic work of Quevedo.
- Cervantes en la Biblioteca Virtual del Patrimonio BibliográficoThis site offers a variety of commentary, references and documents regarding the life, works and legacy of Miguel de Cervnates
- ClariselDatabase of Spanish Medieval and XVI century Literature from the University of Zaragoza.
- DialnetThis is a virtual library of Spanish academic journals, hosted by the Universidad de la Rioja in Spain. Primarily a bibliographic index with tables of contents, it covers more than 5,000 journals and 2.1 million documents. There are a growing number of full-text articles available as content is continuously updated. Subjects covered include the sciences, social sciences and the humanities and arts. It is particularly useful for subjects related to Spain, such as history and Islamic studies, not well covered by other popular databases. English language search is available. Coverage is 1980 to present.
- Digitalia (Stanford)Journal articles on humanities and social sciences from Spain and Latin America.
- Historical Abstracts (EBSCO)Historical Abstracts indexes and abstracts information in world history and the related social sciences and humanities, excluding the U.S. and Canada. (See America: History and Life for U.S. and Canadian coverage.) Links to full-text articles are included when available. It lists articles covering the years 1450 to the present, including more than 2600 periodicals published in 90 countries in 40 languages. Collections of essays, conference papers, dissertations, and books are also included. (Updated monthly)
- Iberian Studies WebThe Iberian Studies Web is designed to provide access to scholarly resources in Iberian Studies (for Spain, Portugal and Andorra). We do not strive for exhaustiveness but rather for quality. The resources organized here have undergone a selection and evaluation process. Annotations have been added where needed, augmenting the research value of these resources to scholars.
- Iter Gateway to the Middle Ages and RenaissanceA bibliography of approximately 225,000 records from the complete runs of more than 300 scholarly journal titles pertaining to the Renaissance (1300-1700) and Middle Ages (400-1299). Also under construction is a bibliography of books (monographs) covering the same time period. (Updates vary)
- Linguistic and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)All aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Complete coverage of various fields of linguistics including descriptive, historical, comparative, theoretical and geographical linguistics. Abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from 1,500+ serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, and dissertations.
- Literature Resource CenterInformation on a large number of authors and literary works from Contemporary Authors, Dictionary of Literary Biography, Contemporary Literary Criticism, and other sources. Includes full-text articles from more than 130 literary journals, a dictionary of literary terms, and links to 5,000 relevant Web sites and special collections.
- Oxford Companion to World ExplorationCovers various aspects of world exploration from Antarctica to the North Pole; from the discovery of the New World to the age of space exploration. This illustrated reference work features 750 articles, selected by a group of editors and advisers to examine exploration from different angles: thematically, geographically, and biographically.
- PARESEl Portal de Archivos Españoles is a project from the Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports dedicated to the circulation of the Patrimonio Histórico Documental Español. The site allows you to find the location of manuscripts, texts, and other resources that are available online or in archives.Click here for Instructions for PARES
Click here for the Facebook page for PARES - PARNASEOFor online journals and databases, such as full-text online access to LEMIR (Revista de Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento).
- Project MuseProject Muse provides full text access to more than 300 humanities and social science journals from various publishers. Disciplines covered include art, anthropology, literature, film, theatre, history, ethnic and cultural studies, music, philosophy, religion, psychology, sociology and women's studies. Coverage for most titles includes the most current issue, however some titles are archival (not current).
Articles Search
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- Find Articles by CitationLocate journals and articles when you have a citation. For example:
Alcalá Galán, Mercedes. "Las piernas de la duquesa: Praxis médica y claves hermenéuticas en el Quijote de 1615." Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America 33 2 (2013): 11-47.