Mental Health: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Body Image
- Writing, Citing, & Research Help
- Autism Spectrum
- Body Image
- Depression and Anxiety
- Eating Disorders
- Stereotype Threat
- Stress Management
- Suicide
- Yoga
- Newspaper Source PlusNewspaper Source Plus includes 1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles.
- Newspaper Research GuideThis guide describes sources for current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microfilm through the UW-Madison Libraries. These sources are categorized by pages: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International.
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)ASPS states that "cosmetic surgery is performed to reshape normal structures of the body in order to improve the patient's appearance and self-esteem."
- Love Your Body DayOfficial Web site of Love Your Body Day, a National Organization for Women (NOW) Foundation project to support positive body image. "Offensive Ads" and "Positive Ads" raise awareness of how the media represents the female body in advertising.
- National Association for Males with Eating DisordersNAMED "is a nationwide professional association committed to leadership in the field of male eating disorders."
- National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated DisordersANAD states that their purpose is to "help people overcome their fears and issues with eating and body image."
- National Eating Disorders AssociationNEDA "supports individuals and families affected by eating disorders, and serves as a catalyst for prevention, cures and access to quality care."
About Body Image
This guide will assist you in finding information about body image and body image disorders.
Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: "body image" AND obesity, "body image" AND men, "body image" AND women, "body image" AND sex, "body image" AND race, "body image" AND media, "body image" AND disorder, "anorexia nervosa," bulimia
Overview Resources - Background Information
- Opposing Viewpoints Resource CenterOpposing Viewpoints Resource Center (OVRC) provides viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles related to controversial social issues.
- : Body ImageGovernment-sponsored Web site promoting women's health. Includes basic information about health topics related to body image: healthy eating, staying active, cosmetic surgery, eating disorders, and teaching children about body image.
- You Just Need to Lose Weight And 19 Other Myths about Fat People by Aubrey GordonCall Number: RC628 .G6743 2023ISBN: 9780807006481Publication Date: 2023-01-10
- Social Justice in Globalized Fitness and Health: Bodies Out of Sight by Laura AzzaritoCall Number: GV342.27 .A99 2019 or ebookISBN: 9781351670807Publication Date: 2019-01-14
- Fearing the Black Body by Sabrina StringsCall Number: HQ1220.U5 S77 2019 or ebookISBN: 9781479886753Publication Date: 2019-05-07
- Beauty Sick: How the Cultural Obsession with Appearance Hurts Girls and Women by Renee EngelnCall Number: BF697.5.B63 E555 2017ISBN: 9780062469779Publication Date: 2017-04-18
- Fat-Talk Nation: The Human Costs of America'as War on Fat by Susan GreenhalghCall Number: RC628 .G743 2015 or ebookISBN: 080145395XPublication Date: 2015-06-02
- Body of Truth: How Science, History, and Culture Drive Our Obsession with Weight--and What We Can Do about It by Harriet BrownCall Number: RM222.2 .B7834 2015ISBN: 9780738217703Publication Date: 2015-03-24
Articles - Scholarly & Popular
- Academic Search PremierIncludes scholarly and popular articles on many topics.
- PsycINFO (Psychological Abstracts)This includes articles in the field of psychology as well articles about the psychological aspects of related disciplines.
- SocIndexIncludes full text for a variety of journals and books encompassing all sub-disciplines of sociology and closely related areas of study.
- CINAHL Plus with Full Text (Nursing and Allied Health Literature)Includes articles on medical topics.
- Women's Studies InternationalIncludes articles on women's and gender studies topics.