The Environment: An Undergraduate Research Guide : Endangered Species
- Writing, Citing, & Research Help
- Climate Change
- Endangered Species
- Fracking
- Nuclear Waste
- Renewable Energy
- Newspaper Source PlusNewspaper Source Plus includes 1,520 full-text newspapers, providing more than 28 million full-text articles.
- Newspaper Research GuideThis guide describes sources for current and historical newspapers available in print, electronically, and on microfilm through the UW-Madison Libraries. These sources are categorized by pages: Current, Historical, Local/Madison, Wisconsin, US, Alternative/Ethnic, and International.
- DNR: Endangered Resources"The Department of Natural Resources is dedicated to the preservation, protection, effective management, and maintenance of Wisconsin's natural resources. It is responsible for implementing the laws of the state and, where applicable, the laws of the federal government that protect and enhance the natural resources of our state. It is the one agency charged with full responsibility for coordinating the many disciplines and programs necessary to provide a clean environment."
- International Crane FoundationThe world's center for the study and preservation of cranes is located in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
- Wisconsin All-Bird Conservation Plan"The Wisconsin All-bird Conservation Plan synthesizes the requirements and conservation issues of 116 priority bird species and provides recommendations for habitat protection, restoration, and management that will have the greatest impact on state bird populations."
- Center for Biological DiversityThis site links to research, petitions, action alerts, and relevant news items to further the goal of "protecting endangered species and wild places through science, policy, education, and environmental law."
- Earth TrustBased in Hawaii, Earthtrust is an International nonprofit conservation organization dedicated to the preservation of wildlife and the natural environment. Some of Earthtrust's programs are: "DriftNetwork: Keeping the Seas Free of Driftnets," "Endangered Wildlife Initiatives," and Project Delphis: Dolphin Cognition Research."
- National Audubon SocietyAudubon's mission is to preserve and restore natural ecosystems. The society is named for John James Audubon (1785 - 1851), famed ornithologist, explorer and wildlife artist.
- Rainforest Action NetworkRainforest Action Network works to protect the Earth's rainforests and support the rights of their inhabitants through education, grassroots organizing, and nonviolent direct action.
- Save the Manatee Club"Save the Manatee Club was established in 1981 by former Florida Governor Bob Graham and singer/songwriter Jimmy Buffett. SMC was started so the public could participate in conservation efforts to save endangered manatees from extinction."
- National Wildlife FederationLocated in Virginia, "The National Wildlife Federation is the nation's largest member-supported conservation group, uniting individuals, organizations, businesses and government to protect wildlife, wild places, and the environment."
About Endangered Species
This Research Guide presents resources for research on plants and animals threatened with extinction and attempts at their preservation.
Try searching these terms using the resources linked on this page: endangered species, black-footed ferret, California condor, elephant* and ivory, extinct species, wildlife conservation, extinct animals, poaching, elephants and poaching, mountain gorillas, endangered species act, wildlife conservation, rare animals, U.S. fish and wildlife service, wildlife sanctuaries, and endangered species legislation
Overview Resources - Background Information
- CQ ResearcherContains weekly in-depth reports that cover the most current and controversial issues of the day with complete summaries, insight into all sides of the issues, bibliographies and more.
- Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center(OVRC) provides viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles related to controversial social issues.
- Wildfinder DatabaseThe WildFinder database contains presence/absence data for the world's terrestrial amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals, by terrestrial ecoregion. This site contains links to the data and information from the Wild World Maps project (retired in 2018) and includes data gathered from numerous scientific works, field guides, or directly from experts.
- WWF: Priority Species"This site supplies extensive information on the following endangered animals: African and Asian elephants; black, white, Indian, Javan and Sumatran rhinoceros; whales; brown and spectacled bears; marine turtles; gorilla; chimpanzee; bonobo; orangutan; and tiger. Each animal has an introductory report, sections on general biology, distribution, population, threats, conservation and research activities, legal status, captive breeding programs, and a bibliography of related reading references."
- UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre"The UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre was established in 2000 as the world biodiversity information and assessment centre of the United Nations Environment Programme." On this site you will find a database of species and habitat information, information on climate change, protected areas, international agreements, interactive conservation maps, and latest news and publications."
Tenacious Beasts: Wildlife Recoveries That Change How We Think about Animals by Christopher J. Preston
Call Number: QL83.4 .P74 2023ISBN: 9780262047562Publication Date: 2023-02-21Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction by Michelle Nijhuis
Call Number: QL81.7 .N55 2021 or ebookISBN: 1324001682Publication Date: 2021-03-09Saving Arcadia: A Story of Conservation and Community in the Great Lakes by Heather Shumaker; Jordan Wannemacher (Designed by)
Call Number: QH76.5.G72 S58 2017 or ebookISBN: 9780814342046Publication Date: 2017-04-01Imagining Extinction by Ursula K. Heise
Call Number: QH78 .H45 2016 or ebookISBN: 9780226358024Publication Date: 2016-08-10The Last Tortoise: A Tale of Extinction in Our Lifetime by Craig B. Stanford
Call Number: QL666 C5 S68 2010ISBN: 9780674049925Publication Date: 2010-05-15
Articles - Scholarly and Popular
- Biological AbstractsThe Biological Abstracts database indexes over 4,000 journals annually and contains over 5 million records. Subject matter covered includes anatomy, bacteriology, behavioral sciences, bioengineering, biotechnology, cell biology, clinical medicine, genetics, immunology, microbiology, nutrition, parasitology, pathology, pharmacology, physiology, radiation and systematic biology, toxicology, virology, and zoology. All citations include abstracts.
- CABI CAB Abstracts (Agricluture and Veterinary)CAB Abstracts a comprehensive database of the applied life sciences. The subject matter covers agriculture, agricultural economics, animal breeding and disease, biotechnology, dairy science, entomology, forestry, horticulture, microbiology, nutrition, plant breeding and pathology, rural sociology, soil science, veterinary science, and weeds.
- Environmental Sciences and Pollution ManagementThe Environmental Sciences & Pollution Management Database is a multidisciplinary database that covers all areas of air, land, water, and noise pollution as well as basic science areas of bacteriology, ecology, toxicology, environmental engineering, environmental biotechnology, waste management, and water resources.
- JSTOR: The Scolarly Journal ArchiveJSTOR is a full-text journal database which provides access to more than 1,200 titles in the fields of African-American studies, anthropology, architecture, Asian studies, biological sciences, botany, ecology, economics, education, film, finance, folklore, history, language, literature, mathematics, middle east studies, music, philosophy, political science, population/demography, religion, sociology, and statistics.
- Web of ScienceThe Web of Science is a combination of three databases: Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts & Humanities Citation Index. It indexes more than 8,000 peer-reviewed journals, providing complete bibliographic data and author abstracts.
- Wildlife and Ecology Studies WorldwideWildlife and Ecology Studies Worldwide (formerly: Wildlife Worldwide) indexes and abstracts English language literature on wild mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians from journals, monographs, proceedings of conferences and symposia, government reports, grey literature, books, theses, dissertations, field studies, and surveys from U.S. state agencies.
Statistics and Data
- Data Citation IndexThe Data Citation Index provides a single point of access to quality research data from repositories across disciplines and around the world. Through linked content and summary information, this data is displayed within the broader context of the scholarly research, enabling users to gain perspective that is lost when data sets or repositories are viewed in isolation.
- American Memory ProjectFree, copyright-friendly image collections on the Web.
- ARKive"Images, sound files, and video clips for animal and plant species threatened with extinction. Features collections of global species, British species, and corals. Browsable and searchable. From Wildscreen, an international nonprofit organization based in the United Kingdom."
- Creative CommonsCreative Commons images are free of traditional copyright restrictions.
- Television News ArchiveBrought to you by UW-Madison Libraries, the Television News Archive is a searchable collection of network news television broadcasts from 1968 to the present.
- The State of the Ocean’s AnimalsInvestigates why so many of our ocean’s animals are disappearing. Case studies focus on global issues including climate change, sea-level rise, over-fishing and habitat destruction. Areas of focus include: Antarctica and the emperor penguin; Melbourne Beach, Florida and sea turtles; Klamath River, Oregon and salmon; Monterey Bay, California and sea otters.
- The State of the Planet’s WildlifeSpeculates that almost half of the world’s wildlife species may become extinct in the next fifty years as a result of loss of habitat, climate change, predation by humans, and other human activities. Suggests possible strategies for averting such a catastrophe. Examines the situations of lowland gorillas in Africa and in the Bronx Zoo, grizzly bears in the Blackfoot Riv wetlands habitat in the Florida evergladeser valley of Montana, migrating birds and, and elephants in Zambia.
- BlinkxBlinkx is a video search engine that searches many video sites simultaneously, including YouTube, CNN, and CBS.