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Animal Research Alternatives and Animal Care : Subscription Databases

A guide for finding alternatives to the use of animals in laboratory research.

Getting Full Text Articles & Book Chapters

Follow  Find It at UW button  (Find It button) or the "Find It at UW Madison" link in most databases to:

  • access online full text (when available)
  • see if the journal or book is available in print if it is not accessible online
  • request a free pdf of the article or book chapter if full text is not available online (Request a Copy)

If you already have a citation, use this Citation Search to search for your article.

AWIC Recommended Databases

AWIC (Animal Welfare Information Center) provides links to databases with information on biomedical research, biological science, animal science, veterinary medicine, fish and wildlife research, toxicology and specialized alternative methods.

For quick links to AWIC recommended databases that require subscription access, please see sections below. 

Multidisciplinary Databases

Large multidisciplinary databases are great starting points to search for animal alternatives in the scientific literature. Much of the content in these databases requires subscription access through the UW-Madison Libraries. 

Specialized Subject Databases

Subject databases may contain literature on your topic not found in other databases. Here are links to AWIC recommended subject databases you can access through the UW-Madison Libraries: