A pocket guide to Congress. Follow all the bills and laws as they are debated and passed, and see how your representatives are voting. You can also search for bills and committee hearings.
A look at the Economy, from the perspective of the Federal Reserve Bank at Saint Louis. Enjoy full access to over 508,000 economic data series from 85 regional, national and international sources. The graphs and supporting data are housed on the St. Louis Fed’s signature database — FRED (Federal Reserve Economic Database).
This app is designed to give the user a snapshot of labor statistics in the US. It draws most of it's information from the Bureau of Labor, and includes hourly earnings averages, CPI, PPI and other statistical categories.
Developed to be easily reviewed, this app divides the constitution into easy-to-read chapters and allows for searching and annotations. The notes on the Constitution come mostly from www.usconstitution.net
The official app of the White House brings the user news from the press room and from the White House blog. Archives and live video streaming is also included.