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Gender and Women's Studies (GWS) Portal : GWS at UW-Madison

Your gateway to gender and women's studies resources at the UW-Madison Libraries and beyond.

UW System Women's and Gender Studies Consortium

The Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium directly serves Women’s and Gender Studies students, faculty, staff, and administrators in all University of Wisconsin institutions. The Women’s Studies and Gender Consortium is committed to scholarship, teaching and activism that benefit all UW campuses and communities throughout the state. To accomplish this work, the Consortium invites and considers diverse voices, and seeks collaborations to improve the life of each community and the state of Wisconsin.

Gender and Women's Studies at UW-Madison

The Department of Gender & Women’s Studies provides an institutional home and an intellectual community to develop and disseminate knowledge about women and gender through an analysis of texts, social and cultural practices, and social institutions, both local and global, historical and contemporary. We explore the diverse empirical realities and creative meanings of gender and the lives of women, including their representations in the arts, culture, and history in global perspective. We examine the structures of inequality and the movements for social change, especially attuned to the intersections of gender with other dimensions of difference and inequality such as race, class, sexuality, religion, disability, and national origin. Through our scholarship, teaching and outreach, we engage our communities, our state, and the world with a commitment to social justice.

Center for Research on Gender and Women

The Center for Research on Gender and Women (CRGW) was established in 1977 as part of the Department of Gender and Women’s Studies, to advance knowledge about gender and women both in the US and globally. The Center hosts the Wittig Postdoctoral Fellowship in Feminist Biology. It sponsors competitions for research funds and awards, hosts visiting scholars, builds institutional partnerships on and off campus, and publishes a weekly e-bulletin. In addition to its colloquium series, the Center for Research on Gender and Women organizes campus events, including lectures, workshops, and conferences, featuring campus, national, and international speakers.

UNESCO Chair on Gender, Well-Being and a Culture of Peace

The UNESCO Chair on Gender, Well-Being and a Culture of Peace, housed at UW-Madison, privileges evidence-based practices informed by gender analysis and drawn from participatory projects. It is grounded in a holistic notion of wellbeing and agency at all levels from the individual, to peer-groups and kinship networks, the state, the ecological commons. 

Gender and Women's Studies Librarian

Profile Photo
Karla Strand
University of Wisconsin System
430 Memorial Library
728 State Street
Madison, WI 53706